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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
    Political ideologies aside, it all comes down to this. When the Republicans are in control, they do a good job of pushing through their agenda. When the Democrats are in control, they don't. Milliken and Engler, effective at pushing through an agenda. Heck, in Millikens case, he's hands down the best Governor that this state has had in the past 30-40 years. Blanchard and Granholm, piss poor. It goes beyond Bernero. The democratic party has to get its act together. Its best candidate, Dennis Archer, is sitting on the sidelines.
    George Romney was a pretty good governor. He untangled the financial morass left by Swainson.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    Archer sat on the sidelines because he knew a Democrat would not win governorship in 2010. Why waste a campaign that was not going to produce a win? Rick Snyder will win because he has not:

    1) Flashed his GOP pledge pin.
    2) Campaign with other GOP hopefuls
    3) Mention abortion once in his ads.
    4) Uttered the name Barack Obama or Obamacare in his commercials.

    Snyder is playing the part of non-partisan candidate though he is the Republican. I believe Snyder will win Democratic Detroit because of this and the fact he is on record saying that Michigan must get Detroit back on its feet. [[Anyone noticed Dave Bing campaigning for Virg? BTW, where is Dave Bing?)
    Rick Snyder's "republican" moniker is iffy, at best.

    The items above are reasons enough for many republicans to be skeptical of his position, and were even P.O.'s when he was seen with this person last week.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    I knew Snyder would win back during the primaries. I really disliked one of the mailers I received from Bernero slamming Dillon's personal views on abortion. I'm conservative in the way that I choose to live my personal life, and try to quietly walk out my faith, but I'm socially liberal. I would be furious if someone told me that because of my worship and deeply held personal beliefs, I wasn't qualified to be a Democrat.
    One of the problems that the Democrats and the left have is noted by your post. As you move to the left in the political spectrum, the left divides into a whole bunch of compartments.

    First you have three groups, the blue collar whites, the blacks, and the Hispanics. Each of those groups has different hot buttons, but all three tend to be economically left and socially conservative.

    Then you have the "single issue" left like the radical feminists and abortion, the GLBT lobby, the environmentalist greenies, the movement socialists, the ivory tower university crowd, and the pot legalizers.

    Every one of the groups in the second bunch is ready to "vote you off the island" if you are not 100% behind their pet issues. Because of this, it is harder and harder for the left to build cooperative and coherent coalitions. Try hanging out on Democratic Underground sometime.

  4. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    I agree with the reasoning for him doing well but I don't think Snyder will win Detroit. He will probably do extraordinarily well for a Republican candidate, but having an outright win in Detroit [[city) is the longest of long shots.
    Nice point, Iheart! At least there's now something worth handicapping for Nov. 2. Race was going to be boring all day until you pointed this out

    Has anybody polled Detroit to see what that's looking like?

  5. #30


    They both stink. Michiganders are gonna be screwed. Show up and vote for whether it'll be "standard" or "Phillips".

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    "I won't argue with you about whether I'm "naive." That's your call, I suppose. But here are some facts:"

    The facts confirm what I suspected, you've never worked the political beat in Michigan. I think you know that the people working up in Lansing like Peter Luke, Chris Christoff, Kathy Barks Hoffman or Rick Pluta have a much better sense of how Lansing works than the those ensconced on the editorial boards around the state. You get your short amount of face time with a handful of the candidates. But that doesn't tell you much about how effective they'll be in Lansing. It also doesn't give you a sense of how state government really works or who the major players are in Lansing. If you had worked that beat, I think you would truly understand the obstacles that Snyder will face if he gets elected. Bernero would face the same obstacles but unlike Snyder or Granholm, he's served in the state legislature and hailing from Lansing, has been able to maintain those relationships that are going to be critical to getting past the usual stumbling blocks.

    My view of this editorial as being "naive" also comes from the fact that a Snyder administration is going to be stocked with a lot of the right-wingers who are going to be pushing agendas that usually don't get support from the Free Press editorial page. The same is true of the state legislature, doubly so if the Republicans take control of the State House and gain a super majority in the State Senate. Rick Snyder may not be leading the charge for a lot of hard right conservative ideas but there will be plenty of lawmakers more than willing to push them to his desk. A Bernero administration would serve as a check against those attempts to move Michigan far to the right. By endorsing Snyder, you've endorsed one party rule over Michigan for the next 2 years and you've endorsed the harm that will come to many Michigan residents by giving the Republicans unfettered control over state government.
    Have it your way, my friend.
    I'll pass your assessment on to Christoff, Hoffman and Pluta...
    Last edited by sehender1; October-26-10 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #32


    Having Rick Snyder for governor of Michigan is like having Romulus Augustulus to the weak emperor of Roman Empire and the last. Synder will put the slow end of manufacturing jobs in Michigan and be replaced by Chinese operated jobs by means of vertically and horizontally intergrated outsourcing and synergy. This mean only a few who graduated from high school and college will get these jobs. Most of people of Michigan will have to miss out and move out.

    By the way Snyder stated that he oppose the film incetive program. If the people of Michigan choose this nerd for governor, it could the end of future Hollywood studios and movie making in Detroit and other Michigan cities. Synder will put Michigan in shambles. He DOES NOT have the political experience to run and governor. He's jumping ahead and he should have started slow. Snyder, as a conservative businessman ONLY favors corporations and the elites not the poor. So NEVER EVER vote for him.


    Do you all want this geek to be your next governor! You all decide.

    Neda is a political and religious leader who fights the equality of human ethics not the bourgiosie.

  8. #33


    "When the Republicans are in control, they do a good job of pushing through their agenda. When the Democrats are in control, they don't."

    Ain't that the truth....The Demmies have been bringing empty water pistols to gunfights for years ! It's okay though, because Snyder's idiocy will be just enough to swing Michigan for Obama in two years.

  9. #34


    "Have it your way, my friend.
    I'll pass your assessment on to Christoff, Hoffman and Pluta..."

    Come on back in six months we'll see which one of us was more accurate in our assessment. If Snyder wins, at least you'll finally be able to pat yourself on the back for actually picking a winner.

  10. #35


    Bernero gives me the creeps. I don't like Snyder's early statements about the film industry here, that he was going to get rid of the tax breaks. Snyder missed the boat on that one. Film industry are generally Dems, contribute heavy to Dems in Hollywood. Had Snyder came out for film here, he would have garnered more support. He must feel he don't need it. Already won. Film is giving us jobs and revenue. Might be in negative figures at times, but a job is a job.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    "Have it your way, my friend.
    I'll pass your assessment on to Christoff, Hoffman and Pluta..."

    Come on back in six months we'll see which one of us was more accurate in our assessment. If Snyder wins, at least you'll finally be able to pat yourself on the back for actually picking a winner.
    "finally picking a winner?"
    Good grief.
    In reverse chronological order, for governor [[losers in caps):
    Granholm; Granholm; Engler; Engler; BLANCHARD; Blanchard; Blanchard; Milliken; Milliken..

    Seriously, if your posts here are any indication of your own knowledge of Michigan politics, I think I'll stick with the counsel I'm already keeping... ;-)
    Last edited by sehender1; October-26-10 at 02:06 PM.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by MCP-001 View Post
    Rick Snyder's "republican" moniker is iffy, at best.

    The items above are reasons enough for many republicans to be skeptical of his position, and were even P.O.'s when he was seen with this person last week.
    The problem that Republicans have with Rick Snyder is that he not playing the part of "mad as hell" taxpayer. IMO, one of the reasons why Mike Cox didn't get the nomination is that he wanted to focus on beating the war drums at President Obama. He wanted everyone to know that he was a "fiscal conservative" [[do they really exist?) who was dedicated to fight the Obama agenda from the governor's office in Lansing. [[crash and burn..boom) Snyder, since he started campaigning has not changed his message. People, jobs, people, jobs, etc.... Now what happens when he is elected is a different story but I applaud him for keeping the Tea Party wackos out of his campaign.

  13. #38


    ...if Snyder gets in, goodbye to the film incentives, and when these projects dry up, expect the rationale of "they just weren't working anyway"... I'm not sure what industries Snyder thinks he can bring here, without tax incentives... if the state legislature still swings GOP, expect some nothing-pie for Detroit.. and I'm gone...
    Last edited by Hypestyles; October-26-10 at 03:06 PM.

  14. #39


    ""finally picking a winner?"
    Good grief."

    I didn't realize you have been running the editorial page for the last generation at the Free Press.

    Let's try "Hoekstra" and "Dillon". Remember those guys? You said they were the best choices for Michigan Republicans and Democrats. Oops, you missed the boat on those two.

  15. #40


    side note.. there was apparently a small contingent of Lyndon LaRouche supporters proselytizing at Renaissance High outside the school entrance as folks were gathering.. heh-heh.. Makes tea-party die-hards look near-sane..

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    ""finally picking a winner?"
    Good grief."

    I didn't realize you have been running the editorial page for the last generation at the Free Press.

    Let's try "Hoekstra" and "Dillon". Remember those guys? You said they were the best choices for Michigan Republicans and Democrats. Oops, you missed the boat on those two.
    Voters disagreed with our choices there; I still believe they were the strongest picks in the primaries..
    Ultimately, endorsements are an expression of the paper's institutional values, and how they align in a particular election. If they also turn out to reflect voter choice, all the better, but that's not their primary purpose. We're not trying to guess who'll win; we're trying to pick the best candidate for that particular office, given the choices.

    My point was simply that you were inaccurate in describing us as "finally" picking a potential winner in Snyder..

  17. #42


    Snyder wants to kill MOVIE incentives!

    Rick Snyder wants to eliminate film and TV incentives:
    Sound judgement or pragmatic disillusionment

    The Detroit Free Press recently termed Rick Snyder as "unbought, independent, and tough-minded". This may or may not be true. However, one thing is for sure-- his untested vision and potential policies under the guise of independent nerd ism is nothing more than main street Republicanism. This isn't anything new. And certainly his disregard of economic stimulation hangs a dark cloud over new and growing entrepreneurs. Especially when it comes to the movie and television industry in our state.

    By calling the film industry incentives "dumb and "a gimmick" is just plain ludicrous and completely preposterous. His deceptively strange view and arrogance of what kind of jobs Michigan should have speaks volumes of his confusing pragmatism. Hypocrisy is staring you in the face, Mr. Snyder. You talk about jobs, jobs, jobs. Yet that is exactly what the movie and film industry is currently doing in this state. Creating jobs, not only in urban areas, but in small towns and cities throughout our entire state.

    And Rick Snyder wants to kill it !

    Jobs not only in the film industry, but jobs for art directors, animators, graphic designers, film directors, photographers, editors, musicians, composers, writers, actors, educators, developers, realtor's, interior designers, builders, carpenters, policeman, auto technicians, transport servers, caterers, painters, and artisans of all kinds This doesn't even include the extended arm of increased business for restaurants, entertainment, and the rental and sporting industry throughout our state.

    And Rick Snyder wants to kill it !

    More importantly, this industry is one of the better and certainly faster ways of diversifying our states economy. Of course we will still be a major player in the auto industry worldwide--just not like the past. If anything, the film industry, in general, will compliment our already world-class auto companies, promote established and new upcoming businesses, while showcasing Michigan's best assets to the rest of the world.

    And Rick Snyder wants to kill it !

    The facts are striking. Since offering a 40% tax incentive for film companies out state, total income has increased from two million in film and TV activity to more than six hundred million in less than three years. That's a great start! Actually, it's quite phenomenal! And that is just the beginning. New studios and production houses are being planned along with existing businesses expanding to handle the additional workload. Typically, most businesses take up to five years or more to make a profit. Just to keep a business solvent that long, in today's economy, is quite an accomplishment. By pulling the plug now would be catastrophic.

    And Rick Snyder wants to kill it !

    This is good work and good pay, that will and has created hundreds to potentially thousands of jobs. Many of these projects involve cutting-edge technology, while hiring some of the best and most creative minds from the arts, science, and education of our state. We need to keep these jobs here! By keeping the film incentives intact, one will not only see continual growth and economic expansion, but a sense of triumph, self-worth, and pride of what Michigan can accomplish. Especially now, when we need it the most. The film industry is a powerful force. It's highly creative, economically lucrative, and can have an emotional and visual impact that profoundly effects peoples lives for a lifetime.

    And Rick Snyder wants to kill it !


    See attached link: http://mitchalbom.com/d/node/6931

    Non Detroit, http://www.detroityes.com/mb/showthread.php?t=7567

  18. #43


    My comment about picking a winner was directed towards the primary picks. Those are the first ones you've done for Governor since taking over the editorial page.

    "Ultimately, endorsements are an expression of the paper's institutional values, and how they align in a particular election."

    I'll note that since you dodged my earlier point that your endorsement of Snyder over Benero is an endorsement of allowing the foxes the keys to the hen house. Full Republican control over State House and Governor's office for at least the next 2 years means a couple of miserable years for Michigan's poor and downtrodden. He's also made it clear that the reforms he supports to the tax system are regressive, not progressive, in nature. More sales taxes, no progressive income tax and a flat business tax that shifts a massive amount of the state's taxing capacity off the corporate sector and onto individuals. If those are a reflection of the Free Press's institutional values, that's a pretty scary statement.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    My comment about picking a winner was directed towards the primary picks. Those are the first ones you've done for Governor since taking over the editorial page.

    "Ultimately, endorsements are an expression of the paper's institutional values, and how they align in a particular election."

    I'll note that since you dodged my earlier point that your endorsement of Snyder over Benero is an endorsement of allowing the foxes the keys to the hen house. Full Republican control over State House and Governor's office for at least the next 2 years means a couple of miserable years for Michigan's poor and downtrodden. He's also made it clear that the reforms he supports to the tax system are regressive, not progressive, in nature. More sales taxes, no progressive income tax and a flat business tax that shifts a massive amount of the state's taxing capacity off the corporate sector and onto individuals. If those are a reflection of the Free Press's institutional values, that's a pretty scary statement.
    Ok.. but if we're keeping score on election "picks," gotta give me credit for all of 'em, which include last year's council and charter commission elections [[16 for 18 and 17 for 18 in the primaries; and 7 for 9 and 8 for nine in the general, if memory serves) plus mayor last year, etc., etc... ;-) [[really, this is a pretty silly conversation, isn't it???)

    I guess I just don't accept your parade of horribles regarding a Snyder election..
    A) I don't anticipate a Republican House, though I also don't completely rule it out;
    B) I think the disconnect between Snyder and the more conservative elements of the state GOP [[a genuine, and in some ways, profound, disconnect, already) will result in much the same check/balance that you'd get with Dems acting as a firewall in one chamber.. IN fact, my guess is that one of Snyder's toughest challenges will be wrangling the wild GOP in the Legislature. The idea that Rick is some sort of rabid conservative just waiting for the election to pass is pretty absurd on its face. Again, I've gotten to know these folks pretty well [[my wife quipped that I was "dating" the guv candidates during the primaries) and I've seen nothing that suggests Snyder will veer right after he's elected.
    C) Rick's tax plan is more complicated than your description allows. As the editorial noted, he has a short-term plan that's aimed at boosting the business environment in order to retain and attract jobs. I don't think anyone could really argue with the logic there. If you think the current business climate in Michigan is attractive to businesses, well, I doubt you're talking to many business owners..
    D)Longer-term, he'll balance those moves with other shifts that are more progressive and meant to stabilize revenues, which are about as out of whack as expenditures. Also: Count on a tax increase of some sort next year, which will be necessary to pay for the shifts Snyder wants to put in place.. likely on corporate profits... maybe on high-end services [[greens fees, club memberships, that sort of thing.) The arithmetic won't likely work without it..

    Like you, I'm concerned about the effect of state policy on Michigan's most vulnerable. Terribly concerned. But let me ask you this: How are they faring now? And How would they fare under Bernero's plan?
    Those were the questions we had to ask in deciding our endorsement. And they led us to endorse Rick..

  20. #45


    "I think the disconnect between Snyder and the more conservative elements of the state GOP [[a genuine, and in some ways, profound, disconnect, already) will result in much the same check/balance that you'd get with Dems acting as a firewall in one chamber."

    On what are you basing this? The only firewall that Snyder can provide is using his veto to veto legislation coming from the whack-wing of the Republican party. Have you heard Rick Snyder use the word "veto"? The only thing he's ruled out is going after making Michigan a "right-to-work" state. That leaves a lot of room for the right-wing in this state to flex their muscle. It also ignores the reality that a lot of political appointees are going to be coming from the same elements pushing these agendas. I don't think Rick Snyder has a deep bench of people to pick from to fill those seats. It's like Bing in Detroit stuck with a bunch of hanger-ons from the Kwame administration. When you run as a party of one, if you win, you're stuck with no team to back you up.

    "Rick's tax plan is more complicated than your description allows. As the editorial noted, he has a short-term plan that's aimed at boosting the business environment in order to retain and attract jobs. I don't think anyone could really argue with the logic there. "

    That was the same argument for dumping the SBT and replacing it with the MBT. We see how well that worked out. I expect that Rick's "clean" plan won't come out of the legislative sausage factory looking anything like what he sends to them.

    "Longer-term, he'll balance those moves with other shifts that are more progressive and meant to stabilize revenues, which are about as out of whack as expenditures. Also: Count on a tax increase of some sort next year, which will be necessary to pay for the shifts Snyder wants to put in place.. likely on corporate profits... maybe on high-end services [[greens fees, club memberships, that sort of thing.) The arithmetic won't likely work without it."

    Naive Mr. Henderson. The "No New Taxes" caucuses that have controlled the Republican House and Senate are going to vote for higher taxes on the corporate and moneyed elites of Michigan? Let me catch my breath as I try to stop laughing. You have to be kidding. No way, no how.

  21. #46


    "The only firewall that Snyder can provide is using his veto to veto legislation coming from the whack-wing of the Republican party. Have you heard Rick Snyder use the word "veto"? The only thing he's ruled out is going after making Michigan a "right-to-work" state. That leaves a lot of room for the right-wing in this state to flex their muscle."
    AGreed that the GOP's conservative wing will test him. I expect he'll pass that test. You don't; that's fine..

    "That was the same argument for dumping the SBT and replacing it with the MBT. We see how well that worked out. I expect that Rick's "clean" plan won't come out of the legislative sausage factory looking anything like what he sends to them."
    Maybe. Maybe not. His whole plan is predicated on approaching the process differently. I expect him to forge a center/left/right coalition [[probably heavily reliant on members of the bipartisan freshman caucus from this term) that will craft better law, make better sausage. Again, I think this is possible, partially because we've backed ourselves into a corner that leaves us no other real options. You don't. That's fine..

    "Naive Mr. Henderson. The "No New Taxes" caucuses that have controlled the Republican House and Senate are going to vote for higher taxes on the corporate and moneyed elites of Michigan? Let me catch my breath as I try to stop laughing. You have to be kidding. No way, no how."
    Laugh all you want. Numbers don't lie. $1.6 billion hole in next year's budget. Another $1.5 billion if Snyder's 6-percent plan is implemented. Tell me how YOU'D fill $3 billion without a tax increase.. You can't cut fast or deep enough to get that done. It will be blamed, somehow, on forces other than the "no new taxes" crowd, just as the income tax hike was a few years ago. [[remember that? Gop'ers actually voted FOR a tax hike; were you laughing then?) But the math won't work otherwise. If Snyder is going to do what he wants to do, what he [[properly) says we need to do, count on some sort of revenue being added to next year's budget.
    Naive is thinking it can be done another way.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    Archer sat on the sidelines because he knew a Democrat would not win governorship in 2010. Why waste a campaign that was not going to produce a win? Rick Snyder will win because he has not:

    1) Flashed his GOP pledge pin.
    2) Campaign with other GOP hopefuls
    3) Mention abortion once in his ads.
    4) Uttered the name Barack Obama or Obamacare in his commercials.

    Snyder is playing the part of non-partisan candidate though he is the Republican. I believe Snyder will win Democratic Detroit because of this and the fact he is on record saying that Michigan must get Detroit back on its feet. [[Anyone noticed Dave Bing campaigning for Virg? BTW, where is Dave Bing?)
    Detroit is going to vote for Bernero, that's how he won the primary. Snyder is going to win the rest of the state and win the whole thing.

    Snyder's best friend throughout this whole campaign is Jennifer Granholm. Thanks to her, the democrats were about 25 points in the hole from the start. When Archer dropped out Snyder wasn't even a thought. The democrats were convinced that Cherry [[let's all laugh at the same time) was going to be the man.

  23. #48
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MCP-001 View Post
    Rick Snyder's "republican" moniker is iffy, at best.

    The items above are reasons enough for many republicans to be skeptical of his position, and were even P.O.'s when he was seen with this person last week.
    WTF? He's a lifelong R, the longest serving Gov. the state ever had and now will have thanks to term limits, and is respected by all but the most politically extreme!

  24. #49


    ...so how do folks see a Snyder interacting with Mayor Bing? How do folks see him taking on the Detroit Public Schools debacle, if at all?

  25. #50


    "I expect him to forge a center/left/right coalition [[probably heavily reliant on members of the bipartisan freshman caucus from this term) that will craft better law, make better sausage. Again, I think this is possible, partially because we've backed ourselves into a corner that leaves us no other real options."

    Oh great, a graduate of the David Broder school of punditry. A worshiper of the mythical bipartisan centerist caucus. Newsflash Mr. Editor, they are as common as leprechauns and unicorns. Are you a member of the Joe Lieberman fan club too? Why don't you take a shot at naming these members who are going to forge this coalition of the "willing to raise taxes"?

    "Numbers don't lie. $1.6 billion hole in next year's budget. Another $1.5 billion if Snyder's 6-percent plan is implemented. Tell me how YOU'D fill $3 billion without a tax increase.. You can't cut fast or deep enough to get that done. "

    It doesn't matter how I would fill the $3 billion hole. It's going to be up to a Republican-controlled Senate and possibly a Republican-controlled House to figure that out. But I know this to be true, most of those members don't really care about things like human services or quality education or the things that your editorial page used to stand behind. How many of the Republican candidates that you interviewed and endorsed pledged to protect those parts of the state budget? Let me guess, it's a number between one and zero.

    "It will be blamed, somehow, on forces other than the "no new taxes" crowd, just as the income tax hike was a few years ago. [[remember that? Gop'ers actually voted FOR a tax hike; were you laughing then?)"

    Oh really? Can you tell me how many GOPers? I can. 4 Senators and 2 Reps. All 6 are either already out-of-office or will be term-limited out at the end of this year. With the likelihood that they'll be fewer Democrats in the legislature in the next session, it will take even more Republican votes to pass a tax increase. From the same group of Republicans who are running en masse with the tea partiers. These are the same people you think are going to pass a tax increase. OK Mr. Editor.

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