why not try it and decide for yourself? A friend of mine enjoys the Fort Shelby restaurant and says very good things about it. But if reviews are mixed, then why not decide how good you personally think it is. It gives you an opportunity to visit the place and spend some time enjoying it. If you don't think dinner is fab, at least you have had a unique experience and some exposure to Detroit history.

For example, I have stayed at the Book Cadillac and have eaten at both Roast and 24/7 Grill. I actually preferred the Grill, but only because I'm not a major carnivore and Roast is a venue that centers on high quality meats. Because I'm not a meat enthusiast I would not trash Roast by any means.

I worked in various expensive restaurants in college, the prevailing opinion about reviewing restaurants is that you should try a place three times before making a judgment. Any good place sometimes turns out a poor meal and vice versa. Plus there is the element of ambiance and maybe in your case past experiences and memories. How do you figure that into a restaurant review?