Quote Originally Posted by Thruster315 View Post
So when are we going to transcend this ignorance and continually call up the race card? Are we finally going to evolve beyond Danny's ape like posture and grow a spine and elect someone based upon character and not the color of their skin? Detroit needs to rescue itself and not wait for some "white savior". If this is street prophecy- leave it be in the damn gutter. We can debate the worthiness or lack thereof of Fieger but slipping back into this obvious "hey! he's white!" is so moronic, simplistic, and ideologically inept, it's not even funny. It's not street prophecy- it's being Danny- Master of the Obvious.
I'm just being comical. My race question is how is Fieger going to reach out to the black ghettohoods and bring his promise to the people? For far as I know the 'BLACK POWER' revolution of the late 1960s and 1970s are over. Coleman Young is dead! Dennis Archer left and King Kwame Kilpatrick took the Manoogian Parties some place esle. [[ like federal prison) If Fieger wins it would be Detroit's great white hope just like Gary Indiana elected its white Mayor in the late 1990s.


In memoriam: Neda Agha Soltan