I would like to sit this election out, but can't bring myself to do it. So, I will probably vote for Cockrel, only because Detroit does not need another transistion and then another one in 7 months. I say that because I have zero confidence in Bing as mayor.

I hope for better choices in the August primary.

Speaking to the City's financial problems, no politician yet has had the courage to do what really needs to be done: identify the core services citizens/businesses require and fund them properly. Everything else become a wish list and is only funded if there is anything left over.

Right now, the city is trying to maintain everything so the funds are spread too thinly, nothing is done well and deficits continue. But, who is going to close down the Neighborhood City Halls [[they are nice but not essential)? Who is going to ensure there is good public transportation, then keep just a few of the rec centers open, closing down the rest, because now people would be able to get to them? Who is going to say we don't have to have a Human Rights Department? Who is going to say it makes sense to charge a small fee for cars going onto Belle Isle?

I didn't even like typing any of that, so I don't expect a politician to promote any of it.