Quote Originally Posted by Hermod View Post
The majority of whites in Detroit in 1950 were not uneducated migrants from the south. The majority of them were European immigrants and their descendants who had come to the US during the period 1880 to 1930 plus the postwar DPs from Europe. These people did not "bring their prejudices with them" when they came to Detroit.
Thanks for that post. my entire family is from the deep South and most of them worked in the Detroit factories in the 50's and 60's. They were extremely poor and few had more than a few years of school. They worked with black people and never said anything negative. However, my relatives encountered a great deal of anti-southern sentiment. Racism was heavily entrenched in Detroit before the Appalachian migration after WWII. Plus, southern whites and Europeans encountered their share of discrimination.

And my white southern relatives stayed in Detroit until long after the riots before moving to the suburbs.

The original posting was very unfair to southern whites and quite biased, thanks for defending them against such a derogatory blanket statement. Nobody brought racism here to Detroit. Few people are migrating here any longer and there is still plenty of racism and bias against all groups.