I was in my senior year in Lincoln Park High School. I lived close to Fort Street, so I sat on my parents front porch and watched the army convoys headed north. As they were passing, I would see jeeps with machine guns mounted driving through both alleys east and west of Fort providing security in case of snipers.
I was in the gas station on the corner by my house when LP police came in and said "By order of the Govenor of the State of Michigan, I order this establishment closed immediately." The guy who was the manager said he couldn't. The cop glared at him and said "You can shut this place and go home, or I will shut it down and you go with me to the station." The manager closed up quickly. You could not buy gasoline in any container.
When the curfew was imposed a high school of mine was on his way to see his girlfriend who lived down the street from me. I told him it was 8pm and he would not make it to her house. He just laughed and said he would talk to me later and left. He only made it 1 house down from me when the cops arrested him for curfew violation.