Quote Originally Posted by cloud_wall View Post
Originally Posted by Meddle
There are places in the northern LP where you don't go if you're not known.

Here's an example from a local lawyer who represented the victim of such an incident. I don't think he'll mind my sharing. Of course, this isn't representative of a whole community but I think it qualifies as an example of what Meddle is talking about.

My client was from Macomb County and was hunting in Huron County. He and some friends went to a bar in Bad Axe. Bouncer who let them in said he could tell they were "citiots". Said there was a 90% chance they'd get into an altercation but never warned them. 3-4 more off duty bouncers inside from other bars. Client's friend was dragged outside for dancing with a woman, my client followed. He was sucker punched and his face was stomped and crushed. Thirty five screws and 11 plates now hold his face together. Police arrived, shook assailants hand and let him go. No charges were ever filed because they "couldn't tell who started the fight". Testimony by bartender - "citiot's are like niggers". Bar owner hired the assailants as their next bouncers after the assault.
1. I don't call Huron County the "northern LP".

2. I have been in redneck, GI, and Navy bars all over the southeastern US [[and I grew up in Detroit). I have never been in a fight in a bar [[and i am now 71 years old).

3. Best thing when you go into a bar is to sit at the bar and ask the bar tender for a recommendation on a beer. If you don't care for the first one which the bar tender likes or has on special, you ask for your own preference on the second beer and just say something like "the taste is a bit unusual for me". The bar tender feels respected and will bond with you.

4. Bar tenders won't allow bouncers to interfere with "their" customers.

5. Sounds like the guy went there in a "posse" and got in trouble.