"Rose Terrace" on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8t7GyK7Ymo
There are four total videos to watch. Link above is part 1 off 3. ECHOES OF SPLENDOR - THE DODGE MANSION, A TOUR OF ROSE TERRACE. WWJ-TV{old channel 4} with Ted Russell c. 1971. Split into three parts because of YouTube rules - ten minutes max for each upload. View it in full screen to fully appreciate Anna Dodge's masterpiece at its best before the wrecking ball did its work. The fourth video is a copulation of any and all photos with informative text set to music. In order to cram it all in some of the photos might go by quicker then you have time to absorb - just pause - and see rare photos dating back to 1938. It would be great if anyone that has been to Rose Terrace to leave a comment about what they remember for posterity. Have a piece from Rose Terrace? Part of the decorative facade or one of the six hundred or so silk lampshades? It would be interesting to track how far these objects have traveled. Either way - enjoy the movie!