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  1. #251


    Throw a purse!? That'd be a mild pansy response. A life and death "beat-down" is more often the result... These kind of folks already demonstrate their lack of boundaries by what you hear them say. In as much as what they will do at drop of a hat!! And they tend to fight to KILL! I've seen these them get to going personally and have heard the tales from talking to people working in security! Check out youtube for your personal education on the subject [[smile). LOL! You must be prepared for the worst when you "enter" their realm to go ALL THE WAY!
    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    ...You jumped into a conversation she was having with another party to question her use of language in front of her child. You should be glad she didn't throw her purse or shoe at you. Can't you recognize ghetto?
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-23-10 at 08:48 AM.

  2. #252


    Good points Ravine. I did not mean "brave" relative to the content of the response to the the profane woman. I meant to say anything to these border-line types unless you are PREPARED for a severe response.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ravine View Post
    The question, itself-- "You use that language around a child?"-- is a strange one to ask, given that it was unnecessary; the answer appeared prior to the question.
    Asking that question is hazardously invasive to the "personal space" of the person asked and, because it is a cheesy way of delivering opinion, could be felt as a double-affront. "Brave?" I think not.
    While it involved further vulgarity in front of the kid, which is unfortunate, I think the response was totally understandable.
    Absolutely no good purpose was served, and it would be a shame if a good-intentioned person, such as Retroit, came to harm-- or worse-- over an act which served no good purpose and which accomplished nothing whatsoever.

  3. #253


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Throw a purse!? That'd be pansy response. A life and death "beat-down" is more often the result... These kind of folks are already showing they have no boundaries by what you hear them say. Nay, what they will do at drop of a hat!! They fight to KILL! I've seen these folks get to going! Check out youtube for your personal education on the subject. LOL! You must be prepared for the worst when you "enter" their realm to go ALL THE WAY!
    Check YouTube!!! Are you kidding? I grew up around folks who were ghetto. I don't an educational update which is why I would not had dared tried to check someone on their language skills. LOL LOL

    However, in regards to the beat-down, if that was a man, I don't think Retroit would have dared said that.

  4. #254


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    I agree that the language was inappropriate for a child but the woman is a grown woman and she can say what she want including what she says in front of her child. I like the next man have no right to grill someone on their use of words. To Retroit: what did you think she was going say? "Oh, you are right, I should not be using that sort of language in front of my child." No, she was going to cuss you out because you turned interloper. You jumped into a conversation she was having with another party to question her use of language in front of her child. You should be glad she didn't throw her purse or shoe at you. Can't you recognize ghetto?
    You have to be careful how you approach someone who uses inappropriate language. I had a similar but different situation in that I had my young son with me at a b-ball game at Cobo. A lady was cursing a storm during the first half of the game. I finally told her I had my son and that I didn't appreciate all of the foul language and would she stop. To my surprise, after she said a few unsavory things about me, I didn't hear another curse word out of her mouth.

  5. #255


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    You have to be careful how you approach someone who uses inappropriate language. I had a similar but different situation in that I had my young son with me at a b-ball game at Cobo. A lady was cursing a storm during the first half of the game. I finally told her I had my son and that I didn't appreciate all of the foul language and would she stop. To my surprise, after she said a few unsavory things about me, I didn't hear another curse word out of her mouth.
    That's a different situation all together. You had your son and this woman was using language that you felt was inappropriate around "your son." I could understand you calling out the lady because I would have done the same thing. What Retroit did was to call out the lady about her language in front of her child. That's a no-no...

  6. #256


    I know! LOL! Ain't dat the truh!! I was just trying to be bit oblique by referencing youtube !
    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    Check YouTube!!! Are you kidding? I grew up around folks who were ghetto. I don't an educational update which is why I would not had dared tried to check someone on their language skills. LOL LOL

    However, in regards to the beat-down, if that was a man, I don't think Retroit would have dared said that.
    Originally Posted by Zacha341
    Throw a purse!? That'd be pansy response. A life and death "beat-down" is more often the result... These kind of folks are already showing they have no boundaries by what you hear them say. Nay, what they will do at drop of a hat!! They fight to KILL! I've seen these folks get to going! Check out youtube for your personal education on the subject. LOL! You must be prepared for the worst when you "enter" their realm to go ALL THE WAY!

  7. #257
    neighbor Guest


    Did I read the story in the paper today correct?

    Minor league criminal, possible accessory to murder, man living in a home with two stolen cars in his back yard an illegal electrical hookup and murder living upstairs, and father of dead 7 year old Aiyana Charles Jones in his mid-20's had 7 kids!!!

    We all know he has a criminal history but I have never hear of his work history. Does he currently have a job? Has he ever had a job?

    If he was in the car with Owens when Blake was shot I hope he is killing himself inside, knowing that he helped bring the police to his doorstep.

    He helps take a child away from a parent and the favor is returned. Karma.

  8. #258


    Can't find the story that's in today, that you're referencing.


  9. #259
    neighbor Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by pffft View Post
    Can't find the story that's in today, that you're referencing.

    "Charles Jones wasn't sure about a baby girl. He grew up with brothers and now has six sons -- three with Stanley, three with another woman -- and felt like he had a grip on raising boys."


  10. #260


    Yeah, and if he was the drive-you-there or get-a-way driver for the shooter it's only a matter of time before Chauncey Owens sings about it [[if it will help his case) and then Dad Jones will have to face that legal music as well. I mean the code of "don't-snitch" "don't-tell" goes along way, then it runs thin.
    Quote Originally Posted by neighbor View Post
    Did I read the story in the paper today correct?

    Minor league criminal, possible accessory to murder, man living in a home with two stolen cars in his back yard an illegal electrical hookup and murder living upstairs, and father of dead 7 year old Aiyana Charles Jones in his mid-20's had 7 kids!!!

    We all know he has a criminal history but I have never hear of his work history. Does he currently have a job? Has he ever had a job?

    If he was in the car with Owens when Blake was shot I hope he is killing himself inside, knowing that he helped bring the police to his doorstep.

    He helps take a child away from a parent and the favor is returned. Karma.
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-23-10 at 07:05 PM.

  11. #261


    Fieger is starting to shift his chess pieces too [[he's not stupid). I've heard that he withdrew the lawsuit naming the father as representative. What a mess this is shaping up to be... with the poor girl caught in the middle-literally! And the girls mother is starting to come into the picture. She looks pretty weary beyond what happened to her child... hard life indeed.

    See below photos from funeral:

    Quote Originally Posted by neighbor View Post
    "Charles Jones wasn't sure about a baby girl. He grew up with brothers and now has six sons -- three with Stanley, three with another woman -- and felt like he had a grip on raising boys."

    Last edited by Zacha341; May-23-10 at 08:22 PM.

  12. #262
    Michigan Guest


    Hey Gannon, Hey Oldredfordette, hey Detroitnerd, what up now?

  13. #263


    The horse-drawn hearse was a respectful touch. I expect Aiyana would have liked that.

  14. #264


    I hope Aiyana's family knows what they're doing in seeking justice, because I suspect full justice might mean bad news for them, given:

    --That Channel 4 news reported the other night that police found a couple of stolen cars in her family's back yard.
    --On at least once newscast--Channel 7--allegations have been made that Aiyana's father was the driver of the vehicle that drove away from the Je'rean Blake shooting.
    --The tone of the Black Voices blog article link that someone else posted on here about their neighbor's comments on the family.

    Where there's smoke, there's usually fire, and it looks very doubtful that Aiyanna's father was not involved in the murder of Je'rean, at least as the driver, and that her family had no idea a murderer was hiding in the upstairs unit. They hardly sound like the Huxtable family.

    And here's what really ticks me off: my wife and I were driving west on Mack on Saturday, probably at about 3:30 p.m, when we got near the intersection of the store where Je'rean Blake was shot and killed the previous week. The store is on the north side of Mack, and there is a memorial for Je'rean on the south side. I would estimate that there was a group of 75 people walking near the memorial, with many holding signs, handing out flyers to passersbys and they also had a bullhorn. We figured given where they were marching, they must have been trying to raise attention for the murder of Je'rean, but we couldn't get close enough to confirm this--so we drove around the block to see for sure. When we went by the 2nd time, it was clear that the march had NOTHING to do with Je'rean, but everything to do with criticizing police shootings and chanting about justice for Aiyana. AT THE VERY CORNER WHERE HER UNCLE KILLED AN INNOCENT TEENAGER. What about justice for him?? He'll only get his justice when not only the shooter is put away, but also the driver and anybody who hid him from the cops in the meantime. I was so mad at this point, I pulled up to a woman who was handing out "Justice for Aiyana" flyers and asked her, "Do you realize how offensive it is that this is where that teenager was killed last Friday afternoon?" She claimed ignorance about it and pointed out Aiyana's house was only three blocks away, but did seem genuinely concerned that the march leaders had led the march where it was [[I will add that they walked on both sides of Mack), but it just seemed very tacky that they were marching for one child at the same spot where another child had been killed. I would have had much more respect if they were marching for justice for BOTH of the victims.
    Last edited by eastsidechris; May-23-10 at 07:48 PM.

  15. #265


    Quote Originally Posted by neighbor View Post
    "Charles Jones wasn't sure about a baby girl. He grew up with brothers and now has six sons -- three with Stanley, three with another woman -- and felt like he had a grip on raising boys."

    He may have 'had a grip on raising boys,' but it takes a man to raise men.

  16. #266


    Yeah, I work not too far from that area and trust me, it IS fugly-ugly: the twisted contest that has come to play with some re. who deserves the most justice "Jerean vs. Aiyana".

    Alot of this is the out-workings of long standing and celebrated thug-life, bulleying and people living in bondage to the "don't snitch" thinking. And people living in fear in general. Sad.

    I hear many of these family members know each other... Again very sad. And there are some unanswered questions that are coming to light.
    Quote Originally Posted by eastsidechris View Post
    I hope Aiyana's family knows what they're doing in seeking justice, because I suspect full justice might mean bad news for them, given:

    --That Channel 4 news reported the other night that police found a couple of stolen cars in her family's back yard.
    --On at least once newscast--Channel 7--allegations have been made that Aiyana's father was the driver of the vehicle that drove away from the Je'rean Blake shooting.
    --The tone of the Black Voices blog article link that someone else posted on here about their neighbor's comments on the family.

    Where there's smoke, there's usually fire, and it looks very doubtful that Aiyanna's father was not involved in the murder of Je'rean, at least as the driver, and that her family had no idea a murderer was hiding in the upstairs unit. They hardly sound like the Huxtable family.

    And here's what really ticks me off: my wife and I were driving west on Mack on Saturday, probably at about 3:30 p.m, when we got near the intersection of the store where Je'rean Blake was shot and killed the previous week. The store is on the north side of Mack, and there is a memorial for Je'rean on the south side. I would estimate that there was a group of 75 people walking near the memorial, with many holding signs, handing out flyers to passersbys and they also had a bullhorn. We figured given where they were marching, they must have been trying to raise attention for the murder of Je'rean, but we couldn't get close enough to confirm this--so we drove around the block to see for sure. When we went by the 2nd time, it was clear that the march had NOTHING to do with Je'rean, but everything to do with criticizing police shootings and chanting about justice for Aiyana. AT THE VERY CORNER WHERE HER UNCLE KILLED AN INNOCENT TEENAGER. What about justice for him?? He'll only get his justice when not only the shooter is put away, but also the driver and anybody who hid him from the cops in the meantime. I was so mad at this point, I pulled up to a woman who was handing out "Justice for Aiyana" flyers and asked her, "Do you realize how offensive it is that this is where that teenager was killed last Friday afternoon?" She claimed ignorance about it and pointed out Aiyana's house was only three blocks away, but did seem genuinely concerned that the march leaders had led the march where it was [[I will add that they walked on both sides of Mack), but it just seemed very tacky that they were marching for one child at the same spot where another child had been killed. I would have had much more respect if they were marching for justice for BOTH of the victims.
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-23-10 at 08:34 PM.

  17. #267


    Quote Originally Posted by eastsidechris View Post
    And here's what really ticks me off: my wife and I were driving west on Mack on Saturday, probably at about 3:30 p.m, when we got near the intersection of the store where Je'rean Blake was shot and killed the previous week. The store is on the north side of Mack, and there is a memorial for Je'rean on the south side. I would estimate that there was a group of 75 people walking near the memorial, with many holding signs, handing out flyers to passersbys and they also had a bullhorn. We figured given where they were marching, they must have been trying to raise attention for the murder of Je'rean, but we couldn't get close enough to confirm this--so we drove around the block to see for sure. When we went by the 2nd time, it was clear that the march had NOTHING to do with Je'rean, but everything to do with criticizing police shootings and chanting about justice for Aiyana. AT THE VERY CORNER WHERE HER UNCLE KILLED AN INNOCENT TEENAGER. What about justice for him?
    That was incredibly stupid and insensitive of those marchers. I find it hard to believe that anyone living in that area could not know where he was killed.

    Almost 4 years later, I can still point out the house on Mansfield St. near me where two young boys were shot by drug dealers.

  18. #268


    Say what you will about Geoffrey Fieger, I certainly usually do, but he has turned a VERY interesting corner on this case.

    Seems he is steadily PROVING that the Blue Wall of Silence doesn't mean a damn thing. I hope he succeeds in finally tearing the fucking thing down.


    Alan Gershel, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, said Fieger "is essentially challenging the credibility of the Detroit Police Department and their investigation."

    "His expert makes it appear that the shot would have had to come from outside the house; this is inconsistent from the Detroit Police Department version," Gershel said. "Second, by virtue of his own investigation, he caused the medical examiner to change the death certificate. Those are two significant issues."
    Last edited by Gannon; June-02-10 at 10:03 AM.

  19. #269


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Say what you will about Geoffrey Fieger, I certainly usually do, but he has turned a VERY interesting corner on this case.

    Seems he is steadily PROVING that the Blue Wall of Silence doesn't mean a damn thing. I hope he succeeds in finally tearing the fucking thing down.

    The fact that Wayne County changed their own autopsy based on a second independent autopsy speaks great volumes toward cover-up. How could the Wayne Co. medical examiner not notice the bullet hole in the girl's head? The integrity of the Wayne Co. Coroner's office is now in question.

  20. #270


    A ) I don't trust Feiger. If his 'experts' told me today was Wednesday, I'd be skeptical.

    B ) I've had doubts about the WC Coroner's Office for a very long time. Spitz was more interested in making a name for himself than anything else.

    C ) None of what Feiger says or does will change the facts surrounding the botched raid or my opinions of DPD SRT.

    D ) "said Fieger "is essentially challenging the credibility of the Detroit Police Department and their investigation."" What credibility? Wasn't the DPD lab or parts of it shut down due to excessive errors?

  21. #271


    John bennett writes today on Detroit Uncovered:
    "In court on Tuesday during the preliminary hearing in front of Judge Willie Lipscomb on Chauncey Owens, the man believed to be the shooter of 17 year old Jerean Blake, the Detective read the statement given by Chauncey Owens who admits to shooting Blake and he said he got the gun from "CJ" and that "CJ" was with him when he shot Blake. Who is "CJ" you ask, "CJ" is Charles Jones the man sitting next to Fieger at his press conference. "

    Fieger is right now trying to save his case by deflecting attention from culpability of Charles Jones in murder of Jeran Blake so that the Jones will get a big payout.

    I ask: Does the Wayne County Coroner work for the DPD? - how else deduce that the DPD controled the earlier findings.

  22. #272


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    John bennett writes today on Detroit Uncovered:
    "In court on Tuesday during the preliminary hearing in front of Judge Willie Lipscomb on Chauncey Owens, the man believed to be the shooter of 17 year old Jerean Blake, the Detective read the statement given by Chauncey Owens who admits to shooting Blake and he said he got the gun from "CJ" and that "CJ" was with him when he shot Blake. Who is "CJ" you ask, "CJ" is Charles Jones the man sitting next to Fieger at his press conference. "

    Fieger is right now trying to save his case by deflecting attention from culpability of Charles Jones in murder of Jeran Blake so that the Jones will get a big payout.

    I ask: Does the Wayne County Coroner work for the DPD? - how else deduce that the DPD controled the earlier findings.
    Just speculating here.......

    The problem that the DPD has is that they killed a seven year-old girl. If Aiyana Jones had never died, her father Charles Jones would be probably be in custody as an accessory to the murder of Je'rean Blake. Again, the problem with detailing Mr. Jones is that DPD killed his daughter. Add to this toxic stew is the story the police gave to the media that the grandmother got into it with the cop who shot her grandchild then they changed their own story. If that wasn't enough the Wayne Co. coroner on the suggestion of the Macomb Co. coroner changed their previously released autopsy stating that the child died as a result of being shot in the head.

    The police have heard from witnesses fingering Charles Jones as one of the guys in the SUV with the murderer but again the same police killed his daughter. It isn't right but it is a PR nightmare. I suspect they trying to wait, to let thing cool off before picking up the father for questioning but Fieger is going to keep reminding the people of the stink that started this circus, the killing of Aiyana Jones.

  23. #273


    I feel for the family of the little girl but at the same time very upset. This whole thing seems to have gotten kicked off by the father of the child and the aunts boyfriend. Thier actions tiped the first domino over.. They both had to do with the killing of another child days earlier. I think there is enough blame to go around. The only person I can't fault is the little girl.The police aren't the good guys in this but you know the chance of SRT hitting my house it small but it goes up if lets say I have 2 stolen cars in the yard., I'm an exfelon, oh yeah and me and my sisters boyfriend and two other friends go and deside to put a few bullets in a kid that look at my bother inlaw funny........"Probably cause [[allegedly) his 34 year old AZz was trying to talk to some high school girls.

  24. #274


    It is about time that the paper media in this town have decided to turn the heat up on Owens' partners in crime. I know that the Detroit Police Department got a lot of stink on them because of Aiyana Stanley-Jones but it now time for them to get justice for Je'Rean Blake. If this was just another case, everyone that Owens named in his statement would have already been picked up and charged.

    It is time for the Detroit Police Department to shake off the stink and do their job that all of them swore to do. To serve and protect. To let Geoffrey Fieger hijack the legal process owed to the family of Je'Rean Blake is a disgrace to his memory. I could not imagine the anguish I would be feeling if a loved one of mines was murdered in the street like a dog and the police was sitting on the case because they made a major blunder. They don't get to choose who gets justice and who don't. The saying is 'and justice for all.

  25. #275

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