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  1. #51
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    A government you undermine does not have the capability to help anyone. Then again, if we had paid attention to this line of reasoning, we might not have an oil spill on our hands in the first place.

    My very well stated indeed. Now lets turn back the clock to the beginning of the Bush era and the orchestrated deliberate attacks upon the Bush Administration.
    The constant barage and undermining of anything and everything that Bush or his administration did .
    The continuos attacks upon this nation, her people and our way of life.
    The lefts obvious goal of destroying the very fabric of this country from within.
    Nice job bur you were a bit too loud. We woke up.

    Yet, everything you say or do you try to link it to the right.Keep trying. There are more of us than there is of you.

  2. #52


    Obama's acceptance of "responsibility" for any of this on behalf of himself or the government is ridiculous. Typical pandering to his base, who for a change are critical of him [[totally unwarranted.)

    The responsible party is BP. It's service company contractors [[such as Halliburton and Schlumberger) have in all probability been indemnified for everything including gross negligence on the contractor's part - a typical oil field service company contractual provision.)

    From the voluminous amount of coverage of the story in the trade press [[World Oil magazine, Offshore magazine, the Oil & Gas Journal) and the WSJ and NYT, it appears BP, which was well over $20 million over-budget on the well, following a $25 million loss on the first well they drilled which they lost and had to abandon, cuts ome major corners. The most egregious was the failure to run a cement bond log after cementing the final string of casing. [[I've run well over a hundred of them). They probably did that because they started completion operations only 20 hours after cementing the long string of casing rather than wait the normal 72 hours [[maybe more at that depth in the GoM.)

    BP will lose billions as a result and may become, because of the massive decline in its share price, a takeover target by E-M or Chevron, or maybe a foreign, sovereign oil company. Serves them right.

    Obama just can't get it right. He should have made the following statement:

    " Don't blame me or the government. We do not have the expertise to stop the well from flowing. Deepwater drilling is one of the most complex technologies in the worlds. There have been 1000s of wells drilled in the Gulf without incident, many in deeper water and to greater depths below the sea floor than this well. There are hundreds of offshore well being drilled around the world as I speak.

    One could have reasonably concluded that from a safety standpoint, the interests of the government and the oil companies would be mutual, especially in view of the massive financial risks taken on by the operator if something goes wrong. We were wrong on that one.

    To BP's credit, it immediately started assembling over 2000 highly skilled geologists, petroleum resservoir enginners, geophysicists, marine salvage experts, offshore drilling contractors, sub-surface well control and equipment manufacturers, and wild well control experts. These people come from the world's major oil companies and from companies all over the world which have a direct or indirect interest in resolving this problem. They have been working 24 hours a day both from BP's HQ in Houston and from Shell Oil Company's Offshore Disaster Control Center in Louisiana which was established after Katrina.

    What the government can do and has been doing since day 1 is to assist in controling and dispersing the surface oil slick. The U. S. Coast Guard has been involved continuously and should be credited for much success in those endeavors so far.

    Oil companies are forced to drill far offshore by regulations which prevent them from drilling closer in, in shallower water. Perhaps it is time for Congress to consider permitting oil companies to drill in shallower waters, where it's safer. Perhaps Congress should consider permitting drilling in the millions of onshore acres in the lower 48 states and Alaska, where there are huge amounts of oil to be discovered and produced.

    America must face facts. It is addicted to crude oil, and to energy in all forms. The problem is, alternative sources [[to crude oil) are unproven and much more expensive than crude oil, and always will be. Always. We all must face that fact. Environmentalists prevent us from building new nuclear plants. They would love to further restrict the use of coal. Where will it end, when we are a third world country?

    What'll it be America, more and more restrictions and $7 a gallon gas? Your call.

    Just don't blame me, my administration, Congress or our supervisory agencies for the current problem in the Gulf."

    Fat chance he would ever make such a logical or truthful statement.

    Obama has precluded all drilling in the Gulf for 6 months. He has stated he will seek to terminate all current drilling operations in the Gulf. Marathon acknowledged that it is shutting down drilling today on it's offshore exploratory wells in anticiaption of such an Order. The price of NYMEX crude was above $75/bbl in premarket trading this morning, up over $5/bbl for the week.

    Obama's an idiot. However, every cloud has a silver lining. The price of crude will continue to rise as a result of these actions and I'll make a lot more money. All's well that ends well.
    Last edited by 3WC; May-28-10 at 01:12 PM.

  3. #53
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    I am simply amazed at our friends on the Right. .
    So am I. Simply amazed it took this long for them to wake up to the attacks by the left on our nation from within.

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    On one hand, you have a catastrophic problem caused by men. Men who are well-paid by their employer, who acted in a negligent manner. It has taken these career professionals five weeks [[and counting) to figure out how to stop the well from gushing. The federal government, which is not in the offshore oil-drilling business, does not have any sort of expertise in this technology. President BlackMan is supposed to swoop in like Superman and stick his finger in the well..
    Nice try on the spin there. Really nice. No matter how you spin it, this is a CATASTROPHE of EPIDEMIC size and it is the duty of our government to make sure it is taken care of asap. I guess 36 days of nothing is pretty fast depending on who is in office. Had it been Bush you would be all over tv crying and moaning about how he hates black people. [[see how that race card thing works ).

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    On the other hand, you have a huge naturally-occurring storm that everyone knows is coming, five days in advance, at that. People need to be moved out of harms way. They will need shelter and food. The government, which can mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops and associated equipment all around the world at the drop of a hat [[i.e. PRECISELY the kind of expertise needed in such a situation!) sits on its ass and does nothing. At one point, FEMA declined an offer from Amtrak to evacuate people from New Orleans.
    I am so glad you brought this up. Lets talk about the recent flooding in Nashville and the surrounding areas shall we? How was Obama's response on that ? Oh yes, now I remember. HE DIDN'T RESPOND! It was all left up to locals who handled it much more better than Nagan and that half assed Governor Louisianna used to have and in case you did not know, they dropped the ball on the evac. Not the feds. It was their responsibility but you'll just go ahead with your liberal way of thinking and tie Bush into their screw up somehow.And if I remember correctly, people In NO refused to leave and Nagan had the right to remove them physically to save their lives but refused . All the while a few thousand empty school buses sat in a parking lot that could have been used.
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    Yeah, those are the same thing...
    Actually, yes they are but this is worse. You see Katrina caused a few hundred deaths whereas this could cause global catastrophe and deaths we could never imagine as it continues a domino effect of death and destruction.

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    Now, I know our buddies on the Right are always concerned about their Corporate Masters being sued [[rightfully and otherwise). And I know they are concerned about the government's wallet even above their own. So it reasons that our buddies on the Right may want to think about their philosophy when they consider the legal liability to which the government exposes itself if it involves itself in the affairs of British Petroleum. You'd have citizens, states, and British Petroleum all taking the federal government to court, no doubt charging that because of intervention from the federal government [[which again, has NO expertise in offshore oil drilling), greater damages and expenses were incurred.
    This one point I'll agree on with you but lets not forget the Corporate sellout in office right now. He's doing a smashing job of it. Don't you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    And think about why St. Ronald of Reagan can trust Exxon to clean up the Valdez mess, but it's Barack Obama's fault that BP executives were doing blow off the tit of an MMS intern.
    Well lets talk about now that now shall we. I seem to clearly remember Reagan taking the reigns on that and the clean-up is still continuing today. That was a set amount of oil that spilled.
    Whereas, this spill is neverending, untold amounts of oil polluting our earth and our potus sits on his ass until it appears to be too late.
    As a matter of fact this administration just passed 11 laws a week prior to the spill to ease up on restrictions of offshore drilling. MMS under Obma's watch had the EPIC FAILURE of not doing the proper inspections and reports of this particular rig just 2 weeks prior.
    This could have been stopped had the Obama administration done their job. They knew the dangers of offshore drilling and still fumbled the ball and let BP get away with this.
    On top of all this the Director of MMS steps down abruptly without explanation.
    Yea, this administration is doing just ducky.
    Last edited by DumplingDude; May-28-10 at 01:04 PM.

  4. #54
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 3WC View Post
    Obama's acceptance of "responsibility" for any of this on behalf of himself or the government is ridiculous. Typical pandering to his base, who for a change are critical of him [[totally unwarranted.)

    The responsible party is BP. It's service company contractors [[such as Halliburton and Schlumberger) have in all probability been indemnified for everything including gross negligence on the contractor's part - a typical oil field service company contractual provision.)

    From the voluminous amount of coverage of the story in the trade press [[World Oil magazine, Offshore magazine, the Oil & Gas Journal) and the WSJ and NYT, it appears BP, which was well over $20 million over-budget on the well, following a $25 million loss on the first well they drilled which they lost and had to abandon, cuts ome major corners. The most egregious was the failure to run a cement bond log after cementing the final string of casing. [[I've run well over a hundred of them). They probably did that because they started completion operations only 20 hours after cementing the long string of casing rather than wait the normal 72 hours [[maybe more at that depth in the GoM.)

    BP will lose billions as a result and may become, because of the massive decline in its share price, a takeover target by E-M or Chevron, or maybe a foreign, sovereign oil company. Serves them right.

    Obama just can't get it right. He should have made the following statement:

    " Don't blame me or the government. We do not have the expertise to stop the well from flowing. Deepwater drilling is one of the most complex technologies in the worlds. There have been 1000s of wells drilled in the Gulf without incident, many in deeper water and to greater depths below the sea floor than this well. There are hundreds of offshore well being drilled around the world as I speak.

    One could have reasonably concluded that from a safety standpoint, the interests of the government and the oil companies would be mutual, especially in view of the massive financial risks taken on by the operator if something goes wrong. We were wrong on that one.

    To BP's credit, it immediately started assembling over 2000 highly skilled geologists, petroleum resservoir enginners, geophysicists, marine salvage experts, offshore drilling contractors, sub-surface well control and equipment manufacturers, and wild well control experts. These people come from the world's major oil companies and from companies all over the world which have a direct or indirect interest in resolving this problem. They have been working 24 hours a day both from BP's HQ in Houston and from Shell Oil Company's Offshore Disaster Control Center in Louisiana which was established after Katrina.

    What the government can do and has been doing since day 1 is to assist in controling and dispersing the surface oil slick. The U. S. Coast Guard has been involved continuously and should be credited for much success in those endeavors so far.

    Oil companies are forced to drill far offshore by regulations which prevent them from drilling closer in, in shallower water. Perhaps it is time for Congress to consider permitting oil companies to drill in shallower waters, where it's safer. Perhaps Congress should consider permitting drilling in the millions of onshore acres in the lower 48 states and Alaska, where there are huge amounts of oil to be discovered and produced.

    America must face facts. It is addicted to crude oil, and to energy in all forms. The problem is, alternative sources [[to crude oil) are unproven and much more expensive than crude oil, and always will be. Always. We all must face that fact. Environmentalists prevent us from building new nuclear plants. They would love to further restrict the use of coal. Where will it end, when we are a third world country?

    What'll it be America, more and more restrictions and $7 a gallon gas? Your call.

    Just don't blame me, my administration, Congress or our supervisory agencies for the current problem in the Gulf."

    Fat chance he would ever make such a logical or truthful statement.

    Obama has precluded all drilling in the Gulf for 6 months. He has stated he will seek to terminate all current drilling operations in the Gulf. Marathon acknowledged that it is shutting down drilling today on it's offshore exploratory wells in anticiaption of such an Order. The price of NYMEX crude was above $75/bbl in premarket trading this morning, up over $5/bbl for the week.

    Obama's an idiot. However, every cloud has a silver lining. The price of crude will continue to rise as a result of these actions and I'll make a lot more money. All's well that ends well.

    Of course the government should not have to protect its citizens. No,not at all. Just let the oil continue to flow and don't say a word. After all , he was quiet up until now. What damage could possibly be done if he just stayed out of it?
    Whoops, I did forget to mention that MMS under his watch failed to properly inspect the rig and do the reports needed to make sure this thing was safe.
    For the record, they haven't done anything since day 1. Even his base didn't buy that bs. He islooking more and more like the lame duck we all knew he would be.
    Last edited by DumplingDude; May-28-10 at 01:18 PM.

  5. #55


    Holy Mother of God!!!

  6. #56
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 3WC View Post
    Holy Mother of God!!!

    Yes my dear? You called?

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    MMS under Obma's watch had the EPIC FAILURE of not doing the proper inspections and reports of this particular rig just 2 weeks prior.

    welcome to our newest rw troll

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    My very well stated indeed. Now lets turn back the clock to the beginning of the Bush era and the orchestrated deliberate attacks upon the Bush Administration.
    The constant barage and undermining of anything and everything that Bush or his administration did.
    The continuos attacks upon this nation, her people and our way of life.
    The lefts obvious goal of destroying the very fabric of this country from within.
    Nice job bur you were a bit too loud. We woke up.

    Yet, everything you say or do you try to link it to the right.Keep trying. There are more of us than there is of you.

    What a profound statement: "there are more of us than there IS of you"

    Yes indeed, one is certainly less than two or more...lol!

    And this one: "our way of life"

    Please elaborate, I would like to know what YOU believe that our [[their) way of life is supposed to be.

    GWB certainly did not need any help from the left in undermining anything or everything, since he did it so well himself, after all, he declared more than once that he was the "decider"


  9. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post

    welcome to our newest rw troll
    Possible nickname->Dumpy.

  10. #60


    Is this the "nothing" that President Obama did for Tennessee?

    President Declares Major Disaster For Tennessee

    Release Date: May 4, 2010
    Release Number: HQ-10-092

    » More Information on Tennessee Severe Storms, Flooding, Straight-Line Winds, and Tornadoes
    » En Español

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency [[FEMA) Craig Fugate announced today that federal disaster aid has been made available for Tennessee to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms, flooding, straight-line winds, and tornadoes beginning on April 30, 2010, and continuing.

    The President’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Cheatham, Davidson, Hickman and Williamson counties.

    Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.

    Federal funding also is available to state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis in the counties of Cheatham, Davidson, Hickman and Williamson for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct Federal assistance.

    Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures for all counties within the state.

    Mind you, a storm producing 13 inches of rain is just a tad more difficult to anticipate than a Category 3 hurricane.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    Of course the government should not have to protect its citizens. No,not at all. Just let the oil continue to flow and don't say a word. After all , he was quiet up until now. What damage could possibly be done if he just stayed out of it?
    I think you meant to write "protect its corporations".

    So, what's your stance on regulations, if you want the government to clean up the mess of every company who chooses to endanger lives as part of its normal business operations?

  12. #62
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    I think you meant to write "protect its corporations".

    So, what's your stance on regulations, if you want the government to clean up the mess of every company who chooses to endanger lives as part of its normal business operations?
    We need strict regulations in order for Capitalism to work and democrats and republicans have both failed with their deregualtory tricks in order to get rich.
    On the oil,Sorry sweetie. That would be what the democrats are doing by turning a blind eye as was done in this case.
    There is a law that was enacted by Regan which specifically states in case of enviromental emergencies that affect the country and people it is the governments duty to take a hold and make sure it is remedied.Again, Obama did not.
    Now back to reality shall we?
    It is the presidents duty to protect this country no matter what. Your delusions of trying to tie me to corporate whores is just that. A delusion.
    I didn't like Bush being a corporate whore and I certainly don't like this charlatan being a corporate whore.
    Your blind allegiance is disparaging to say the least and a tell tale sign of why our country is in danger of all of us becoming slaves to the corporations .

    BOTTOM LINE: If it endangers us or the world, no matter who's fault it is we as a nation must act in order to prevent it from overtaking and ruining us and the earth.
    Last edited by DumplingDude; May-30-10 at 04:50 PM.

  13. #63
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    Is this the "nothing" that President Obama did for Tennessee?


    Mind you, a storm producing 13 inches of rain is just a tad more difficult to anticipate than a Category 3 hurricane.

    Mind you declaring something and doing something are entirely 2 different things dear.

  14. #64
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Flanders View Post
    What a profound statement: "there are more of us than there IS of you"

    Yes indeed, one is certainly less than two or more...lol!

    And this one: "our way of life"

    Please elaborate, I would like to know what YOU believe that our [[their) way of life is supposed to be.

    GWB certainly did not need any help from the left in undermining anything or everything, since he did it so well himself, after all, he declared more than once that he was the "decider"

    This doen't even deserve an answer because we all know where you want to go with this .
    I will say this though, you are not worth it and I will not indulge your fantasies.

  15. #65


    Dumpling: You clearly feel Pres. Obama is responsible for stopping the oil from flowing from the well and is not doing his job.

    Since you appear to know more about the processes and procedures which have the best chance of success in capping the well, and feel the President doesn't, I suggest you call BP's Alternative Response Technology Hotline @ 281-366-5511 and tell BP how to do it. I'm sure they'd appreciate your input. Hurry up, by the way, because the possibility exists that the well will never be capped and will flow until the reservoir pressure is diminished enough that the huge subsea pressure of a mile of saltwater will naturally kill the well.

    If they don't feel you have much to offer - those ingrates - why don't you volunteer to go down there and cure some ducks or save some oysters, or maybe clean up a beach? Just call BP's Deepwater Horizon Response Volunteer Hotline @ 866-448-5816. They may put you to work and we'll be one step closer to resolving the problems.

    Pass these phone numbers along to the White House; maybe Obama could solve the blowout problem when he returns from his Chicago vacation but just doesn't know who to call; you may get some much needed response from Washington and you'll feel much better about the whole thing.

    Just trying to help, as usual.

  16. #66


    Some serious news.
    Three oil recovery beams have been flown from the Netherlands to the disaster area. These beams will make a single trip to the USA. The US is providing funds so we Dutchies can buy new ones.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehouse View Post
    Some serious news.
    Three oil recovery beams have been flown from the Netherlands to the disaster area. These beams will make a single trip to the USA. The US is providing funds so we Dutchies can buy new ones.
    I wonder if Congress is going to pass a law capping federal expenditures at $75 million for BP's fuckup.

  18. #68

    Default 10 Things You Need [[But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

    10 Things You Need [[But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill
    1. Oil rig owner has made $270 million off the oil leak
    2. BP has a terrible safety record
    3. Oil spills are just a cost of doing business for BP
    4. The Interior Department was at best, neglectful, and at worst, complicit
    5. Clean-up prospects are dismal
    6. BP has no real cleanup plan
    7. Both Transocean and BP are trying to take away survivors' right to sue
    8. BP bets on risk to employees to save money -- and doesn't care if they get sick
    9. Environmental damage could even include a climatological catastrophe
    10. No one knows what to do and it will happen again
    Click the link for the details.

  19. #69

    Default Margo Guryan/"16 Words"

    It's not difficult to be prescient when tracking who deregulates whom. Don't be too easily distracted.

    Last edited by Jimaz; September-02-10 at 11:30 AM.

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Big points over the weekend, in case you missed them:

    Fairweather Obama makes statements just as operation "Top Kill"
    is implimented, as he planned to sweep in to take full credit if it fixed the leak.
    Obama: "The Government Has Been In Charge Since Day 1"
    "We have been in charge of every move they make"

    Sunday, after Top Kill was officially a failure, the administration
    quickly replied "It's completely BP's Fault!"

  21. #71


    [quote=Papasito;150949]Big points over the weekend, in case you missed them:

    Fairweather Obama makes statements just as operation "Top Kill"
    is implimented, as he planned to sweep in to take full credit if it fixed the leak.
    Obama: "The Government Has Been In Charge Since Day 1"
    "We have been in charge of every move they make"

    Sunday, after Top Kill was officially a failure, the administration
    quickly replied "It's completely BP's Fault!"


    It's the government's responsibility to hold BP's feet to the fire. the mess, however, is 100% the fault of BP et al. anyone who can't understand that should refrain from reproducing for the sake of the species

  22. #72


    rb: "It's the government's responsibility to hold BP's feet to the fire. the mess, however, is 100% the fault of BP et al. "
    BP, Haliburton, Transocean, and the federal government more likely but let's pretend that the federal government had done every thing it could prior to the spill to alleviate the accident. Aside from fielding lawyers and remarks at BP, don't you think that the federal government should be doing everything it physically can to clean up the oil before it ruins Gulf fishing and tourism? The feds can always send a bill to BP.

    Why did the federal government ever agree to limiting liability to $75M to such operations? That amounts to a subsidy which encouraged this deep well operation.

    Louisiana Gov Jindal is all ticked off that Louisiana is not being protected and is waiting for federal approval to do some work to even do it's own protection in the absence of federal protection.
    Louisiana Gov Jindal Press Conf Oil Spill Day 43

    Louisiana marshland after 43 days of President Obama 'doing everything we can".

    All together now, "Yes we can"

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Here's what President Obama didn't see when he visited the Gulf Coast: a dead dolphin rotting in the shore weeds.
    "When we found this dolphin it was filled with oil. Oil was just pouring out of it. It was the saddest darn thing to look at," said a BP contract worker who took the Daily News on a surreptitious tour of the wildlife disaster unfolding in Louisiana.

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nati...#ixzz0pnCkuYUI
    "There is a lot of coverup for BP. They specifically informed us that they don't want these pictures of the dead animals. They know the ocean will wipe away most of the evidence. It's important to me that people know the truth about what's going on here. The things I've seen: They just aren't right. All the life out here is full of oil.
    Kate Sheppard over at Mother Jones has the animal body count estimate so far: 444 dead birds, 222 dead sea turtles, 24 mammals [[including dolphins). I say estimated, because as Sheppard notes, as with the Exxon Valdez, many carcasses have likely sunk and will never be found.

  24. #74


    [quote=Jimaz;150624]10 Things You Need [[But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill
    1. No one knows what to do quote]
    Implode the m f'er via a nuke. Done. And done. This is, unfortunately, a tactic of last resort. One hundred percent guaranteed solution, but still....

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Aside from fielding lawyers and remarks at BP, don't you think that the federal government should be doing everything it physically can to clean up the oil before it ruins Gulf fishing and tourism? The feds can always send a bill to BP.
    The government hasn't got the expertise to clean up oil spills. And where would we get the money? the same people who are screaming for the government to clean it up are the same ones who would scream the loudest at the cost, and also would scream that BP shouldn't have to pay. They are the same ones who yell about government requirements for safety equipment

    That amounts to a subsidy which encouraged this deep well operation.
    I'm not sure how that works -- is that liability for the entire cost of the spill, or just for damages from individuals, etc. who lost income/property, and not including the cost to pick up the tab for clean up?

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