The downtown Greenfield's was on Griswold, in the block south of the David Stott Building. There was a huge Greenfield's on Woodward further up between Temple and Charlotte. That building is now the Vietnam Veteran's center. The whole chain died sometime in the mid '70s

Greenfield's at one time also ran the cafeteria in the basement of the City-County Building, but by the time I worked there in the early '80s it was run by some pretty awful city food contractor. I used to grab a quick breakfast there sometimes, but the only really decent thing to eat was the grits.

The cafeteria in the basement of the Penobscot Building was the Colonnade. There was also another Colonnade in the basement of the First Federal Building. I used to go there a lot. Nice ladies behind the counter, good food if you tended towards the soul food-ish side of the offerings, and some killer pie [[I still remember the rhubarb...).

Other places I ate a lot when I worked at City-County was Gus's Coney on Woodward, Ham Heaven, and the Checker Bar [[shhhh... don't tell anybody).