Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
Good point, and I see the same catastrophe coming with the following results: A two tiered system surfaces, as socialized care becomes poorer in quality and lesser in availability, more people will elect to use the private system. Doctors in higher demand [[based on quality and outcomes) will eschew participation in the Marxist system and shift over to all private pay. Personal details of where I/my group is at in this spectrum and in anticipation of this outcome are withheld for obvious reasons. Suffice it to say, we are preparing to succeed well in advance.
Thus lies the flaw in your reasoning. You are assuming that there will be actual money available for people to private pay. More people will be unable to afford the private system as either they lose their jobs, or their employers find it's easier to just abandon paying benefits to their employees. It's that simple. The have-nots will soon outnumber the haves.

Quality of care will matter little to the fellow that doesn't have much money to spend, he will flow to the lower cost provider. I hope that you enjoy the race to the bottom. I see more call for free clinics and holistic medical care than the specialists currently pillaging our medical system.

Years ago, doctors took chickens [[among other barter) for payment for medical treatment. I hope that you and your group like chickens.