Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
Cut off their water supply, they won't last long.
That is one subject that no one seems to pay attention to here. Our governor & state legislature are trying to pull in as many businesses & people as possible without any regard for the long term. Water is a very finite resource, even in our part of the state. Many municipalities are already urging voluntary conservation but people keep watering the living daylights out of their yards. About the time July hits is when it's felt. There's a reason why some people speculate on buying a summer home further north to escape the broiler like conditions.
Right now Texas is THE spot for jobs/living, etc. A few generations back the migration was to the north & midwest for the jobs; then it was the west coast; more recently places like Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina & Florida. But even we're starting to feel the effects. From what I understand the state has lost somewhere around 150k jobs since the beginning of the year. And yet our governor tells them "tough luck" when it comes to unemployment benefits. I realize it pales in comparison to the rest of the country but we're usually one of the last to feel the repercussions.
People clamor how right-to-work states are so much better than union ones, well there's good & bad to both. There's nothing like being a competent, punctual, hard worker who comes in early only to be told he's being laid off. Why? Because you're the first guy in this morning & the supervisor was told to let the first x-number of workers arriving they're being let go. It doesn't matter who they are, we need to cut payroll. That's getting off topic, but despite all these people moving here, this ain't hardly paradise. There's very few decent inhabitable places to live here & I'm fortunate enough to be in one of them.