Sweetheart was just up the street from Jumbo's and between the two of them there were dozens of hookers coming and going. It was as crowded at 3 a.m. as any other time. Cops used to pull up to the hookers standing in the street and chit chat with them. Never saw an arrest made.

There were all these old flats and small apartment buildings on Third, now long gone, that functioned as informal no-tell motels. You could buy weed and crack there too. It was like $6 for a room or something like that. There would be people sitting around watching TV in the living room while all these people were banging away in the bedrooms. We knew a guy who ran one and he'd give people a room or a dimebag of weed without even glancing up from the TV. There'd be seven people hanging out in that living room, nonchalant.

A friend and I took a girl into Jumbo's in the late 80s for a drink, just to show her the mayhem there. The bartender told us "Women are not allowed here. Leave" We turned around and about 25 women were standing around or sitting on customers laps, and almost all were wearing lingerie. She meant no "non-working" women were allowed. It was all so blatant back then. The Corridor is dead now in comparison.

Sweethearts closed years ago and got torn down. Jumbo's became gentrified and the hookers got chased off.