Not Detroit this time though.

Crime-weary Ohioans say cops tell them to move out
Oct 30 11:09 PM US/Eastern

COLUMBUS, Ohio [[AP) - Residents of Ohio's capital city are complaining that police officers are telling them to move out if they're fed up with neighborhood crime.

At least two Columbus city council members have heard the complaint.

An aide to Councilwoman Charleta Tavares says she has received more than 20 calls. Councilman Andrew Ginther says if police are making the comments, they're neither acceptable nor appropriate, though he says he believes most officers want to be helpful.

A police spokesman says the department addresses the complaints when it's given the name of an officer.

A police union official says he understands if officers are frustrated with crime. Fraternal Order of Police President Jim Gilbert says: "It's like the OK Corral out there."


Information from: The Columbus Dispatch,

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