Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
Here is 16100 Moross. It's kitty corner from the Auto Zone, or whatever parts store that is where Calcaterra's used to be.

It's across the alley from the party store, towards Fordham
Some of the Eastwood gang, including 7kid, played on the construction site of that flower shop in the early 60s...even before Colonial Savings was built. It went up shorttly after Calcaterra was established across the street...Smart move. The shop owners didn't seem to mind a young kid walking in, opening the glass door display case, and just taking a wiff of the fragrances. The gift shop folks, however, got a little antsy, even when kids would walk in just to look. The display tables were very close...One had to be extra careful when wearing an extra thick winter jacket not to knock over an expensive ceramic lamp unwittingly. ....It seems that none of the stores on that corner had a sign on the store itself, George's Party Time and Jason's Bakery had signs inside the windows but the butcher shop and the gift shop did not have signs....Refresh my memory....What was the name of the butcher shop? Karl's?