Quote Originally Posted by LongGone06 View Post
I don't remember "East Village" either. I lived in Alden Park Towers [which I think now is just Alden Towers] for a short time in the mid-80s. There was Indian Village, of course, and West Village, but I don't remember anything referred to as East Village.
When I first came across “East Village” as a name for that area, I thought it was a bit contrived. But every neighborhood name was created by someone at some point. If calling that area East Village gives it a sense of identity and spurs redevelopment, I’m all for it.

I totally agree with Lowell’s view of the city as a bunch of “islands” and that building off of them makes sense. Decades ago, as I’d drive along Woodward, I imagined what the city would be like if, for example, the streets north of New Center saw some fixing up, and, at the same time, the streets south of Boston Edison. Now activity like that isn’t a dream.