Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
^ What are you going on about? Tourists/Visitors coming to Detroit will not be looking for a Target or Walmart! If they want a souvenir they will likely go to one of the souvenir stores such as one of the Pure Detroit locations in Downtown, Midtown or New Center to buy a Tee Shirt, mug, post cards, Pewabic tiles, etc. And who in their right mind will go sight seeing without a camera or cameraphone?

People coming to Detroit as visitors will not be looking for whatever they require going to the suburbs for.

Now people moving into Detroit... that's a different matter, and retail complaints are valid. But generally not with visitors.
Visitors who come to the city may not be looking for a Walmart or Target to shop at during their short stay. However, having these amenities as well as other things such as functional safe neighborhoods, dependable mass transit, good school system, and versatility in art and culture, some of those visiting may think about moving to Detroit including heads of corporations may think about opening satellite companies here. Yes Target may not be effective in the short range. It will have it's place as bring effective in the longer range. Detroit doesn't have to be a metropolis to be a successful city. We still could be a functional international city which unlike New York and Chicago have a foreign country that is only 3 miles south of our border separated by two tunnels and soon to be two bridges. The Detroit vs Everybody had it's days. Now it's time to embrace and not isolate.