Greektown is gone and the Casino killed it. At least the "Greek" version. Most of the Greek spots have closed. Just look at street view in 2009 versus now.

Yeah sure, the casino generate revenue for the city. But it shouldn't have been at the expense of one of the only thriving strips of independent restaurants in the downtown area, not to mention one with cultural heritage that in and of itself was a tourist attraction.

But there's the thing, Detroit's leaders have never much respect or concern for small business districts, preferring headline grabbing developments such as casinos and ball parks. It's the same culture that suffocates small businesses with overregulation, high taxes and long waits for permits while giving massive handouts to corporations.

It's much easier to point to new parking garages, sports stadiums or high rise hotels while glossing over the countless small businesses that have shut their doors in the proceeding decades after the casinos opened.