Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
A teacher opened a door to the school [the one the killer later entered), and sees the kid crash a car into the school lawn, and get out WITH AN AR.

So she goes inside and gets her phone to report it, then, she comes back and PROPS OPEN THE DOOR !! SERIOUSLY, PROPS OPEN THE DOOR ! The door between the school children and some kid on the lawn with an AR!

Who does this teacher work for? Satan himself ?

Minutes later the killer waltzed into the school through that same propped-open door.

Ten min later the first police types arrive, but they wait almost an hour to breach the classroom door, during which time the last 8 victims are executed.
In case anyone was wondering here is the part that Rocket decided to edit out after deciding that maybe he looked pathetic pushing a conspiracy theory on the backs of all of the dead kids.

"My spidy senses are tingling that something is off about this event. And just a week before the annual NRA thing?"

This of course from the clown that claims the entirety of January 6th was perpetrated by the left and part of a vast conspiracy without proof.

Nobody is trying to confiscate all guns, which is also being pushed in this thread, but there is zero movement on common sense gun reform because hard right people have decided that it isn't a gun problem, but a mental health issue, or a leftist issue, or, or, or... Never mind that this is the only place where this happens. There is no mystery, just people who insist on putting their heads in the sand while the rest of the world looks at us like were insane. You people have perverted the 2nd Amendment and in your fetishizing of guns you convenient ignore the part of the amendment that says "well regulated." But sure, keep thinking that YOU are what stands between the government and tyranny in this country and by all means keep ignoring the fact that the amendment was written in the time of single shot muskets when militiamen had access to the same technology as the military. Any acknowledgement of those things and you might have to admit that gun policy in this country has led to these types of massacres and that would mean your views make you complicit. Can't have that so rinse and repeat and continue to do the same thing that just perpetuates these things. Pathetic.