Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
Socializing in an upscale Nantucket shop while not wearing a
mask while sipping a milkshake in the middle of a pandemic
was more than just bad optics.

Pres. Biden, vaccinated though he may have been, in theory
could spread delta variant to all of the other shoppers who
temporarily were not wearing their masks because they were
also sipping milkshakes. A vaccinated person can still spread
delta variant quite effectively. But, perhaps he and his staffers
are still regularly tested for COVID-19, and if that's the case,
he might feel more relaxed about not wearing a mask all the time,
since he himself presumably tested negative every day for the last month.

Michigan, right now: 55% vaccinated, 15.31% test positivity

Florida, right now: 63% vaccinated, 1.63% test positivity.

Massachusetts, right now, with Nantucket, where that upscale
shop is located, being quite representative:

72% vaccinated, 2.71% test positivity.

That information is from the Johns Hopkins Covid Home

With high affluency, a high level of vaccination, and a
low to moderate test positivity, and with most of those
who were not drinking milkshakes wearing their masks,
it seems that people were not too concerned about
transmitting the delta variant at that time and place.

The better practice that reduces transmission is to wear
a mask in public. Pres. Biden nods to that practice rather
than outright rejecting it.

Uncle Joe nods out to that practice rather than outright rejecting it.