Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
Further, election officials in Antrim County, Michigan, blamed Dominion... 💩
So predictable.

If he were from the area, maybe he'd realize we've already know about this.

For his benefit, an example: The Freep, in a news article not an editorial, called these "false claims" and a "vast conspiracy theory" that has been amplified by the lame duck President, his sons, and "far-right sites" [[such as his favorite one he referenced). The Freep called it "misinformation" when spread by the gullible and "disinformation" when spread for the purpose of making people distrust the election results.

Antrim County figures prominently in election conspiracy theory

The Detroit News also debunked it, along with the other Michigan-related election conspiracy theories he came here to push.

Why these Michigan election conspiracy theories don't add up

Wasn't it yesterday I said I don't trust anything he says and it's like he's here to push disinformation?