Yes,who would have ever thought a section labeled Non Detroit would contain Non Detroit discussions and even include Non Detroiters,I guess it is that complicated.

What is interesting is that even on the Detroit side of things there is one group that is allowed to bring up distaste for the current president and against those who may or may not support him with the opposing views not allowed to be discussed. Kinda of a one way street there.

As far as Detroit and as evidenced here is the one thing that has not changed is the animosity towards outsiders.

Those with means left,others with means capitalized on the scraps and in return they threw who was left the remains and stuck them with the bill.

That is the choice,keep holding out hope for a few billionaires to save you but in case you have not noticed things have changed but nothing has changed.

Money rules the world like it or not,without it nothing changes,so keep up with the outsiders have no place in Detroit because,Kudos,it has worked out so well in the past 50 years,I agree if it ain’t broke why fix it.

The question was what went wrong and how do we fix it,the answer was oppression of those who think differently or have different ideas or do not agree with you and then at the end of the day blame everybody else.

The pot holes are the fault of everybody else,the mass transit system is everybody else’s fault and on and on,but yet there are other cities that have few potholes and transit systems that were even funded by outsiders in part.

But that is your choice to live by,keep that wall up,keep thinking like you do where everybody else has no clue because they have not been to Detroit, as if the basic metrics in Detroit are different then any other city in the world.

At this rate you will be looking at generations in order to undo the we got this now piss off attitude.