Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
Well Wheels if you spent as much time with the "scroll" function on that page as you did with your reply... you will see AN ITEMIZED LIST... with the level of damage to each business address... and if you do decide to check it out.... you will see that most of those businesses are NOT destroyed... but have "minor property damage" listed. Granted some say "destroyed by fire", some say "property damage"... but the majority say "minor property damage"... which if these businesses are insured, should be covered.

For those who didn't bother to read the link... this is what it says....

"....causing millions in property damage to more than 1,500 locations. In their wake, vandals left a trail of smashed doors and windows, covered hundreds of boarded-up businesses with graffiti and set fire to nearly 150 buildings, with dozens burned to the ground. Pharmacies, groceries, liquor stores, tobacco shops and cell phone stores were ransacked, losing thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise. Many were looted repeatedly over consecutive nights."

That's not to say that any damage is excusable... because none of it is. And when you look at the map, it is appalling at how widely spread out the carnage was, over large parts of both Minneapolis and St. Paul.

But let's do some fact checking first... otherwise people start sounding like the shrill news media...

Honestly Gistok, it looks like you just want to have the last word and are clutching at straws here. Insurance companies are just going to keep sending repair men out, replacing windows, doors, and locks, daily on their dime? Now, on top of trying to make a living, business owners have to keep filling out and filing claims? Please...