IF it happens ... IF The Don and Moscow Mitch don't find a way to abort or delay it .....

There is no question at all in the mind of any rational, clear thinking adult that the two demons mentioned above MUST be removed from office.

There is the slightest chance that Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay MIGHT be tossed. Even if they aren't, there is a chance that the Senate may flip and at least partially neuter them.

But the greater threat to humanity .... The Evil Demon Don .....

The Dems don't have a valid candidate. Any vote for any of them will be a vote to expel the Demon rather than a vote FOR the candidate, whoever it turns out to be.

Joe is not the one, neither is Nan. Either coupled with Gretchmer [[or anyone who violated Civil Rights)? I might simply have to abstain. I could not in good conscience vote that way.

This is yet another year where no matter who gets the most votes, the People lose. There is no desirable outcome.