Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
So the Fed takes priority over every state? Whitmer made it sound like Trump singled out Michigan. That's what i was asking.
In these times, you simply comply, have the Federal gov. source, contract and pay whatever it takes to get what you need. Then you deal with the cost and fallout later.
There's a war going on here and Whitmer needs to pick her battles carefully. Any grievances can be dealt with once we have this under control.
1. Whitmer's job is to manage the crisis in Michigan. What's happening in other states shouldn't be any of her concern for the purpose of crisis management, nor should she have to worry the citizens of Michigan about what's happening in other states.

2. The bolded would be fine and dandy if the POTUS hadn't been encoueraging states to go out and procure their own supplies because apparently his administration can't be bothered to dole out these supplies in an efficient manner.