Quote Originally Posted by EMG View Post
We had Twin Pines milk delivery - and a milk chute.

And before Twin Pines replaced them, we had Sealtest milk delivery. The milk came in big glass bottles.

This was in the mid 1960s.

I remember the Good Humor man on Belle Isle, but I'm sure I saw others, even a local one on my own block, at times. My favorite Good Humor product used to be the ice cream bars covered with coconut.
The Belle Isle route was the most desirable for drivers at that time.
The coconut was the most difficult to clean at the manufacturing plant, even worse than the strawberry shortcake. I know, because I worked as a cleaner there, on the midnight shift, one summer. I really teed off the day shift one time, when I forgot to replace some paper washers on the pipes and pumps after cleaning and running steam through them!