I was a 14 y.o. boy sitting on the floor, looking out of a second story window that faces Medbury St. My hands are resting on the stock of a 12 ga. pump shotgun which is propped against the window sill. It is 2:00 am, and I am struggling to stay awake, and alert. Suddenly my dad's voice breaks the silence on the walkie talkie "you awake"? He is downstairs in the front bedroom which faces Grandy St. armed with a 30.06 deer rifle.
My 'orders' were really quite simple, and clear. Anyone, no matter who, or how many, simply strikes a match, even to light a cigarette, aim dead center, and empty the gun! Thankfully, no one came by for 3 nights during the curfew, except the jeep patrols.
I don't know for certain if I would have shot anyone, but the man who gave me those instructions was not one to be questioned, or disobeyed. I did receive a good beating on the 4th morning, having fell asleep sometime during the night.
We moved out of Detroit the following year to Monroe. Those 5 years on Grandy, and Medbury will always stand out in my memory.