The riot broke out just a few days before my 18th birthday. I had just graduated high school and was preparing to move to my first home away from home, the Univ. of Mich. When a recruiter from San Francisco County visited the University a few weeks before graduation I accepted an offer for employment and moved to San Francisco. When I couldn't get my parents to relocate I moved back to Detroit in the early 2000's when they became ill. I admit I was not thrilled about moving back to Detroit after being away for so long. When my parents both passed a few years after returning to Detroit I moved to Santa Fe, NM two years later. My decision to leave Detroit had more to do with quality of life in my later years. I go back to Detroit at least 2 times each year. Each time I visit I have been both impressed by the improvements and saddened by appearance of many of the neighborhoods that have been ignored and seemingly forgotten.