Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
Satire? Seems to me it's a site that posts world news articles.

I would hardly call events going on in the world that effect people's lives satire.
Russian Proxy “News” Site Exposed: YourNewsWire

Bottom line. YourNewsWire is not a news site, it is used by the Russians as a proxy site to spread disinformation. They throw in just enough legitimate news stories to establish a cover and when the opportunity to promote Russia, denigrate the West, or sow divisiveness against a Western country or alliance arises, they will publish Russian disinformation and misinformation through lies, fabrications and otherwise bogus stories made to look like news. Only this guy, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, who seems to write most of the “stories” at YourNewsWire, is lazy and cheap.
Another Russian Proxy “News” site exposed. Liar. Cheat. Fraud.