Quote Originally Posted by bmick67 View Post
If pointing out the obvious lack of controls and accountability makes me an "insensitive asshat" in your eyes, so be it. Do you really think it's OK to just hand out gift cards, Lowes or otherwise?

Directly to the teachers I would say yes,If the classroom needed painting and some of the students offered to help then Lowes and paint it would be.

It would not only help in the situation but give the students some pride in thier surroundings.You cannot buy that.

Gift cards from Staples,why not?
Teachers have been using funds out of thier pocket to help those that need.The last thing on a teachers mind should be fretting about basic tools.

The public needs to demand more and set a higher standard for their children,when they become complacent the wolves will feast,they do not care about anybody else but thier own pockets.