Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
Well, yes. Intolerance for mistakes results in mediocrity. I think its better if innovation is welcomed, and failures are tolerated.

Don't misunderstand. You do have to perform, too. But don't measure success only by lack of a fuck-up. In Silicon Valley, failure in pursuit of excellence is rewarded.

The water in Flint sucks for more reasons than Snyder or an EM. So in this case, I think the outrage is misplaced. More than just one person fucked-up here.

This was a systemic fuck-up -- which I believe was in pursuit of improvement. Lower costs for Flint. Economic viability. Jobs. If you come to this party without pre-conceived notions of guilt, I think the conclusions would differ.

What happened in Flint was unacceptable. No excuses. What's been happening to our citizens in Detroit and Flint is unacceptable on a daily basis. No excuses. Our leaders should take risks. And sometimes they'll make mistakes.

Mistakes are fine but these mother fuckers poisoned me and my neighbors for months and sloughed off our obviously genuine outcry, told us to "relax". Now it is coming out that the water crisis probably led to the outbreak of Legionnaires disease causing 10 deaths. If it was simply a mistake that would be one thing but they falsified records to cover up their "mistake". It is infuriating to see the apologists stand up for this administration while a city of 100,000 people have to overpay for water we cannot use.