Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
One-percenters won't touch that burger. That's, in part, why they're one-percenters. Most of the wealthy I know are tight-fisted and hang on to every nickle to be deployed in investments.

It will be preening jerks working typical cubicle farm jobs trying to impress their girlfriends on a date. The same bros who hang out at Townhouse, and who drive their leased luxury vehicles around and around on warm summer nights in downtown Bham.
Most wealthy people go out to dinner, drive nice cars, dress in better then average clothes, travel, a lot have vacation houses ect ect ect. I'm sure a lot of them lease their vehicles, I'm sure a lot of them buy their cars.
I'm not too sure about the hanging on to every nickel thing. I think that's way overstating it.