R.B.J., you are correct that something's just not quite right.

Craig Sasser claims to be a Detroit native. Anybody ever heard of him. No references on Google except to the Lee Plaza story.

I couldn't find anything anywhere in data bases I checked about Moneta Energy, LLC. There is a company called Moneta Energy Services, Ltd. located in Calgary. It was founded in 2007 and is a gas storage developer. [[Not a big one). Craig Sasser in not one of the two founders and is not an officer of that company, much less its CEO.

One has to be very skeptical of Sasser's claim his mother has developed $5 billion of real estate. That would put her in the big time and she would be well known; of course her last name may not be "Sasser" but I don't know of any female real estate developers wiith that kind of record.

I wonder if Sasser is related to that dippsy doodle woman from TX who offered $7 million for the Packard plant.

I wouldn't hold my breath until that deal get's done.