Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
The police got the part about "probable cause" right. The Blake arrest was based on resemblance to the perp, who was not far away, as reported by someone familiar with
that person.

What should be banned is the practice of tackling young men preemptively just because
they are physically fit and therefore could cause more harm or run away. Tackling
young men can cause them harm. It can cause the rest of us harm because if the
arrestees really ought to contact the police at some point in the future, for some other matter, they won't, because they naturally will have formed an aversion to the police,
having been effectively mugged by them.

Just as a nurse should call for help when moving a heavy patient, a policeman should
enlist help when arresting persons with a greater potential to harm or flee.
You people really have no idea of what it is like to live in NYC. He was not brutalized by the police officer. What happened is a common occurrence in NYC. The New Yorkers didn't even bat an eye and kept walking by when this happened. Look at the video:


If you were there during 9/11 and lived through that horrific experience, you'd wish there was even more police surveillance and action. There are often armed soldiers with machine guns in Grand Central terminal during heightened security warnings. Everyone is watching and knows that even minor threats are serious and have to be dealt with aggressively because millions of lives could be at stake. Also, this happened on the anniversary of 9/11, so you can be sure anything even remotely suspicious would have an aggressive response.