i realize we all have our own unique takes on WDET. We like this program, we like that program, we like this on-air personality, we hate that on-air dope, they play too much music, they don't play enough...

But seriously we can at least talk about it with this station. I'd much rather listen to WDET more so than those other pre-programmed shows where it's just some guy who loads up the music that they've been told to play. It seems as though every one of these WDET personalities at least has a personality. They have preferences and it's apparent if you listen to them long enough [[I used to bitch about Judy Adams playing far too much Hendrix)- but at least they stand out. I also think that a lot of these folks also do the research on what it is they play or talk about. They're not just spouting some corporate line or told what to play or say which I think is refreshing.

Like 'em or not but I think WDET for all the good and faults that they have still beats the hell out of homogenized radio. They're not the perfect radio station- but I get to hear some variety there. If I want something completely crafted for me, I'll bust out my own playlists on my iTunes library or scout out an hour or two of Pandora.

The folks at WDET have introduced me to a lot of great music that I would've never heard on commercial airwaves. Conversely they've also played some dreck but at least I was given an opportunity to hear it and make up my own mind. WDET is probably responsible for at least 70% of my own personal music purchases.