Quote Originally Posted by DetroitBoy View Post
OMG. Yeah, he'll mentor them into a life in crime which they don't need any more inspiration to do in Detroit. Warsaw you really are brilliant. Maybe he'll get out and rent the flat next to you and run his business out of it. A couple of stray bullets through your bedroom wall in the middle of the night might change your mind. You should find some of the people who lived in the 7 and Gratiot neighborhood that he and his tribe destroyed and ask their opinion.
So you think Rick Wershe would automatically go back to selling drugs if he was let out of prison, I think thats a bunch of BS. The guy has no reason to go back to dealing cocaine and would be the stupidest things a man could do. He has Hollywood looking into his story for a movie, he wont have a hard time making a comfortable living. What he will be worried about is retribution from people that are keeping him locked up and are afraid of what he's going to say if and when he gets out, worried for his life. This kid at the time was used by the DEA and Detroit cops and then screwed. Ive been in touch with the man through letters and I can say he is no hardened gangster but just a kid who took a wrong path because he happened to have connections that offered easy money. If you want to point a finger at why 7 and Gratiot and many other places in Detroit are in ruins look a little harder because the real reason things are so shitty is because of the war on drugs. Drugs are a commodity that will always be for sale one way or another, legal or illegal. When they are illegal they flow through the black market unregulated and causing violence. Street thugs are not a responsible bunch and will do what they have to distribute them to make fast money at a huge markup. Locking non violent people up has done nothing, the war on drugs has caused more problems than its solved. "There is no war on drugs because you cannot war on inanimate objects. There is only a war on addicts. Which means we are warring on the most abused and vulnerable segments of society" Dr. Gabor Mate.