Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
Yes it is. I would say being consistently within the top 10 American cities for intl tourists makes you a main center.
Not really. Chicago is the third largest U.S. city, but barely in the top 10 for international visitors. Seems like a pretty big under performer relative to size. It gets fewer international visitors than even Boston, which doesn't get many international flights.

And I never said Chicago doesn't get international visitors. I said it doesn't get international leisure tourists. Chicago is a huge business center and is a primary international airport gateway city.

Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
It's the only city, besides Las Vegas for obvious reasons, that's not on the coast or in a warmer climate.
Not true. Cities with higher tourist counts aren't on either coast, besides Vegas.

What this has to do with visitor counts, I have no idea, as Chicago is one of the biggest international flight hubs in North America. Among the big cities, only NYC, LA, and SF get more international airport travelers.

Paris, the most popular city for visitors anywhere on earth, isn't on a coast. Doesn't have warm climate either.

Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
Walk down Michigan or State and you'll for sure hear 20 different languages spoken by obvious tourists.
This is nonsense. State Street isn't even a popular street for domestic tourists, or even Chicagoans. It hasn't been the retail center for 40 years.

Michigan Ave. is a hugely popular street for visitors, but mostly from the Midwest. Won't hear many foreign languages while waiting in line at the mall stores. It's mostly fanny packed heifers from Iowa, Indiana and the like, but they spend money, so it's all good.