Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
the left wing liberal idiots that think that the DOD is the root of all evil and peace will reign on earth when the USA eliminates its military.
F.U. There are left wing liberal idiots and right wing conservative idiots. A better Detroit? A better country? Grow up and understand that the most powerful tactic ever devised was divide and conquer. Assuming that one ideology is correct and the other is corrupt or insignificant is pure ignorance and shows a lack of knowledge about the history of politics and the ways of the world in general.

Can you find me a statistic that states that all liberals feel that the U.S. should eliminate its military? I find most of your statements to be simplistic at best.
The DOD does need more oversight and that goes back to the Eisenhower years. A president that was somewhat aware of how the military industrial complex operated.Of course this is merely my opinion.