Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
It doesn't benefit me either since I live in the burbs, but I know transit systems weren't built in a day. DC, Houston, Portland are all great example of cities who had to rebuild their transit systems and found great success in doing so. I'm sorry there isn't a stop outside your door, but maybe there will be one close by and walk-able to someday. You're not brainwashed for having a car, you're brainwashed into thinking it's the only option available when in fact it isn't. You can have reliable mass transit, we just need to put pressure on the powers that be to fund it and build it.
Look, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck this morning. I've been to NY, Montreal, CT., etc.I've been on and know people in other parts of the planet commute in other ways besides the automobile. Metro-Detroit isn't laid out like other parts of the planet. Like it or not, we went with roads. The roads are already in place. People live all over Metro-Detroit around these roads. Come up with something useful to move mass amounts of people on the already existing roads. To think you're going to change all that, and lay in miles of track, or get everyone crammed into the Broderick, so they'll ride the Bi-Polar Express, just doesn't seem feasible to me. I don't buy into it.