Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
Welcome to reality.

A physician can do his job properly every day for years and save hundred of lives in the process. However, he botches one operation and kills a patient then that's all anyone will ever remember.

A pilot can land a plane a thousand times and safely deliver millions of passengers in the process. However, if shows up to work drunk one day and crashes then that's all anyone will ever remember.

This is reality. George Jackson has to learn to do his job every single day. Not just when it's easy. Not just when it's convenient. Not just when people are praising him for it.

Every. Single. Day.

The fact that he got the job done a couple of years ago doesn't mean that you get to slack off for the rest of your career. The instant anyone thinks that the case, it's time to retire.

This is reality.

Comparing the demolition of the Lafayette Building to killing a patient or crashing a plane? You jumped the shark on that one.