Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
While there is still a ton of vacant land in Midtown, I hope that at some point the momentum will indeed spill over into nearby areas.

It would be nice if this gap between Boston Edison and New Center - where Philadelphia Street is - was not as large as it is. That would make it easier for redevelopment to spread south from Boston Edison and north from New Center and create a decent area uniting those two neighborhoods. On the other hand, this area is only three blocks wide from Woodward to the Lodge, and it really could have some potential in the future.
Yes, although I think I would expect development on the east side of Woodward over to Oakland or I-75 as well, so the corridor is more like eight blocks wide than three. Certainly that is what is being promoted in the North End redevelopment being discussed in the NY Times recently.

I'm reasonably convinced that area will redevelop, but it could take decades. If I were spending money on rehab/redevelopment in the Woodward corridor, I'd spend it somewhere from Virginia Park south; I just think those areas are likely to revive sooner. W. Philadelphia is a bit ahead of the curve in my view.