[[WXYZ) - DDOT bus passengers like Edward Prowell are happy to hear more than $40 million in federal grant money is now going to be spent to fix buses. "I use the bus 6 days a week...going to work. Sometimes the busses don't come and sometimes they do" he says. "Somebody is late for work, or can't make it and their boss don't want to hear that."
We found some out-of-service motor coaches sitting in a garage off of Warren.
It's not a shock to other passengers.
"The brakes are horrible. You can hear them. Horrible. You can hear it right now." Passenger Aunyez Leonard tells us. "The seats need to be fixed, the heat they don't have it on."
"There's been a disinvestment in our assets over the last two decades," says Gary Brown, the Chief Financial Officer for Detroit.
Now, money can fix tires, engines, windows, security and a lot more. It's all essential when 40 percent of citizens use DDOT daily.
"Things are starting to turn around now for the best, and we need a shot in the arm and this will help the city a whole lot" says Edward.