Quote Originally Posted by Mike Hamilton
Really think that greenways and the Riverfront walk could play a positive role in integrating GPs with Detroit. Planned greenway on Kercheval could have practical and aesthetic appeal. Recommend GPs support extension of riverfront walk as far east as possible, up to GPP line. These positive developments in Detroit could benefit GP access to downtown as well as improving city between GPP and downtown.
Your big mistake is thinking the GPs have any interest in integrating with the Detroit. They don't even let Detroiters into their parks - do you think they want the RiverWalk ending in there back yard, after it's winded through a bunch of rough Detroit neighborhoods? Or that a GP citizen would feel safe using a greenway along Kercheval, which is pure desolation for most stretches?

Hell, there's still serious talk about figuring out a way to make Kercheval inaccessible for Detroit drivers. You should've seen the hornet's nest I kicked up when I bickered about the GPs forbidding outsiders from visiting the lakefront parks. The last thing GPers want is integration.

The bottom line is that urban planning is blind without sociology.