Quote Originally Posted by ct_alum View Post
Ever see a 59 year old cop try to chase a teenage on foot? Or a 59 year old fire fighter climb a 32 foot ladder? There is a reason for the early outs, it's to get and keep relatively young people. Don't want to pay taxes for this? Move to the boonies and get a volunteer PD/FD and let me know how it works out for you when a 60 year old can't drag a 4" hose to the hydrant while your house burns.
There are other productive things a policeman or firefighter can do at age 59. It is not necessary to burden taxpayers with pension costs for who can contribute to society.* I agree, leave the hard work to the cubs. And at 59, contribute your wisdom and experience.

*Yes, this is a burden to society. Its clear that these pensions are burdens to taxpayer. Otherwise we wouldn't be having EFM chats now, would we. I don't hear unions saying "hey, just leave us alone and our pension funds can pay for our retirees". Why not? Because these plans aren't fully funded. That means the union wants someone to FUND the plan.

I'm 100% behind paying a great pension [[defined benefit) to retirees at age 67. And 100% against paying any public pension before that to anyone who isn't disabled.