I remember there was trouble brewing in Los Angeles years ago because a lot of black people felt Korean shop owners were not welcoming of blacks in their businesses. Something that didnt help was the surly look or lack of eye contact which in Korean culture is a sign of politeness. Smiling is also not a big feature of korean human relations, so that kind of thing is bound not to help.

The risks involved in running a small business in Detroit are pretty high, mister Dawsey should have pointed that out to fairly balance things. Of course if only a microscopic amount of money spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were put to funding education, rebuilding cities like Detroit, and stopping the gangbanger nonsense, the "D" would be all it can be and more.

Manhattan has lowered its crime rate tremendously in the last twenty years. A big reason for that is the increased police presence to serve and protect an increasingly wealthy populace and the evacuation of indigents to other boroughs.

Which begs the "unPC" question, where are the would be small business owners that will create employment and help sustain the city in that sense?