Quote Originally Posted by laphoque View Post
Sure. Most able-bodied adults are not starving. And most people certainly don't muder. However, there would be fewer muders and fewer crimes if we had a more robust welfare system.

The GDP & productivity are still rising. The wages and welfare among the poorest in this country are stagnant or declining. There is no replacement job in sight for those low skill workers who once filled these plants. The US is tending to wrecklessly increase the workweek instead of shortening it to allow more people to be employed. We can afford to put more people on welfare. It would result in greater prosperity and safety if we did. It would reduce poverty and increase the likelihood that these kids are able to go to school instead of having to find a way to make it to the detriment of their schoolwork.

It has done this in all the other countries that it's been implimented in. The US spends less than 3% of GDP on this. Most other countries spend more like 8%. They have reaped enormous societal benefits from this. We argue about welfare queens and forget the names of the murder victims.
So what you're advocating is that the taxpayers of this City, [[State, Country), should pay even more to include designer leather jackets and sneakers as part of the Social Services Program? Interesting concept. Isn't there a cell phone program like that in place already? Tell me, @ what point do you feel these "criminals" shoould start taking on responsibility for their actions?