Quote Originally Posted by ElbertHanks View Post
One of the articles mentioned how cable rights for live events may be interpreted to mean everything except hockey. And since no other events have been televised there simply is no revenue owed. I guarantee you this will be the Olympia position.

It think it is pretty irresponsible for the media to stir up the masses with headlines that say the Red Wings owe millions when the truth is there is only a chance that they might. I guess never let the truth get in the way of a good headline.

One thing I would say is that in 1980 cable tv revenue was insignificant and probably an afterthought. If the lease [[which none of us have read) can actually be interpreted to entitle the CoD to 25% you would think Olympia would have tried to renegotiate it years ago or would have left the day it expired rather than being in 'holdover' status. Then again maybe they counted on the CoD remaining incompetent and/or corrupt.
I'm no Ilitch shill.... [[I like one observation of them as "flawed brilliance")... but ElbertHanks, you sound like a reasonable person. So often the herd mentality on this forum goes off on a torches and pitchfork rant. And later, when the "whole truth" comes out... you no longer hear another word about said subject. They just go off onto the next flash mob fest...

Like you, I'm gonna wait this one out until when all the cards are on the table to make an "informed" judgement [[either pro or con)... rather than following the herd...