Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
I am beginning to think that Schwartz might not be the guy to lead the Lions to the promise land. I see the same things week after week, the team is undisciplined, which is a reflection of the coaching staff, the defensive backfield tackles worst than Pop Warner players, I get tired of them sticking arms or shoulders into people thinking they are going to bring a good back or receiver down.
This tackling can be said of many a Lions team, not just the Schwartz led Lions. This seems like a chronic issue with this team at times or is it just with the defensive backfield not named Delmas?

Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
Again my pet peeve Pettigrew is no better than a back-up blocking tight end yet they still throw to him in key situations.
The boy is 6'5" and has been known to haul in a few key snags. I'll grant you that he needs to be better- much better, but today when he got stripped of the ball- I'm willing to concede some skill to the defender too. It was a dogfight and Pettigrew came up on the short side.

Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
Schwartz has made T Young into his whipping boy, but there are others he needs to hold accountable and seemingly he isn't.
Now I'm going to have to disagree with you here. Titus Young made himself a whipping boy. His actions aren't just one time deals either. His sissy ass hit on Delmas in the off season and his selfish play that garnered this latest suspension falls solely on his immature shoulders. Schwartz, Jefferson nor Linehan are responsible for any of that crap. If anything, Young put his own stupid ass in the doghouse.

Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
He needs to definitely be on the hot seat in 2013
Yep. Schwartz needs to show some improvement with this team. He's been given some tools to make some noise and while I'm thankful we've improved somewhat- this year the progress has not been there. Improving from 0-16 is easy. Getting to the playoffs was damn nice. But we need to step it up to the next level now. Honeymoon's over.