I'm not a naysayer however I don't think 7 elevens will work in the city limits of Detroit . There are reasons they ALL left the city and even the close burbs.
Stores like 7 elevens are easy pickings.
It's really challenging to control what goes on in a 7 eleven and with it's history in/with Detroit there is a reason we don't have them anymore .
When you go to nearly any convenience stores in the city they all have bullet proof glass.
The only stores I see this working at are Family Dollars or Dollar Generals ect with guards.
don't get me wrong I would love to pop into a 7 eleven to pick up things , but unless it's done with security they are going to have problems .
Anyone who has lived in Detroit for any amount of time knows what I'm talking about .
Unless this is done in a controlled environment ,the days of just walking into a 7 eleven within the city limits like days past won't happen. Heck you can barely do this in the burbs .
security is key in today's environment pretty much everywhere !

If it is done where they are talking about security is going to be key.
If they do open a 7 eleven in the city it will be in the areas spoken about earlier and in a controlled building trust me .
I'm sure they are doing their home work .